I Series

DemoJUST Books | Meet the Author


Organised by the Democracy, Justice and Human Rights Thematic Line (DemoJUST), the I Series DemoJUST Books - Meet the Author invites members of the Line who have recently published books for a talk on a unifying theme - the session’s theme, including a short presentation of their books (15m each). Each session includes the presentation of two books published in the last two years.

With this event, the DemoJUST Line aims to stimulate the scientific debate around hot topics, while promoting the internal and external visibility of the research carried out at CES and, in particular, in this thematic line.

The sessions in this 1st Series will be face-to-face and in Portuguese.


12 October 2023, 15h00
Session 1: SOCIOLOGY OF LAW: new and old epistemological and methodological issues
Trentini, Flavia; Branco, Patrícia; Catalan, Marcos (orgs.) (2023), Direito e comida: do campo à mesa: cidadania, consumo, saúde e exclusão social. Belo Horizonte: Editora Fórum
Oliveira, Ana (2022), Assédio: aproximações sociojurídicas à sexualidade. Lisboa: Imprensa de História Contemporânea

December 2023 (date to be confirmed)
Session 2: SEXUAL DISSIDENCES AND QUEER THEORY: new and old epistemological and methodological questions
Ferrández Pérez, Daniela (2022), A defunción dos sexos: Disidentes sexuais na Galiza contemporánea. Vigo: Edicións Xerais
Pieri, Mara (2023), LGBTQ+ People with Chronic Illness . Chroniqueers in Southern Europe. London: Palgrave MacMillan

March 2024 (date to be confirmed)
Session 3: THEORISING CITIZENSHIP AND SOVEREIGNTY: new and old epistemological and methodological issues
Amelung, Nina; Gianolla, Cristiano; Sousa Ribeiro, Joana; Solovova, Olga (orgs.) (2022), Material Politics of Citizenship. Connecting Migration with Science and Technology Studies. New York: Routledge
Freire, Maria Raquel; Nascimento, Daniela (2022), União Europeia como Ator Internacional: Paz e Segurança nas Narrativas e Práticas. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra