
Challenging Stereotypes from childhood: methodologies for action

September 7, 2023, 15h00

Room 1, CES | Alta

Education systems have, in recent years, taken up the cause of combating gender stereotypes and promoting more equitable socialisation of girls and boys as a central strategy for achieving fairer, healthier and more balanced societies. There is, however, a clear gap with regard to pre-school education and the 1st and 2nd cycles of basic education.

Recent studies state that by the age of 5, children have clearly defined gender stereotypes, with the category 'gender' being a greater determinant of their future choices than socio-economic status. The International Early Learning and Child Well-being Study survey of 4,000 children showed that when asked what they would like to be when they grow up, the most common career choice among 5-year-old girls was teacher, while boys mostly chose a career in law enforcement. Girls tended to choose careers that require higher academic qualifications than boys; however, girls' choices fall into roles related to care, protection and creativity.

In short, children respond and react to the world they see, and where they live. Gender roles, norms and expectations are transmitted to children through interaction, language, practises, clothing, toys, stories, books, among others, creating a system of peer pressure to match gender standards, and discouraging cross-gender activities or those that “don't fit” these standards.

With this workshop, we intend to debate gender socialisation in childhood, promoting the deconstruction of stereotypes and masculinities, the challenges encountered by education professionals and families, and to experiment with transformative methodologies that can be used in everyday life, in educational or social contexts. The debate will be guided by the experience of the KINDER project, as well as other methodologies used in CES action-research projects.


Sofia M. C. Gonçalves (CES, ESEC), Tatiana Moura (CES)


This workshop is accredited as a Short-Term Training Action by the Minerva Training Centre.

For participants wishing accreditation, registration (free but mandatory) must be done through the CFAE MINERVA Platform.

Vacancies for the ACD modality: 20 | Registration deadline: 4 September 2023

Activity within the framework of CC.EDU | Working Group on Citizen Science and Education

Workshop Series | Working Group on Citizen Science and Education (CC.EDU)

Building Educational Communities