
Acceleration and the World of Work

Hartmut Rosa (Institut für Soziologie - Universidade de Jena / Max Weber Center for Advanced Studies)

October 11, 2023, 14h30


Comments: Elísio Estanque (FEUC/CES) | Moderator: Ana Cordeiro Santos (FEUC/CES)


This lecture precedes the international conference «LABOUR, ECONOMY AND SOCIETY: emerging transversalities», to be held on October 13 and 14, 2023, at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra.

[Registration is free but compulsory]

Bio note

Hartmut Rosa is professor of theoretical and general sociology at the Institut für Soziologie of the University of Jena, director of the Max-Weber-Kollegs in Erfurt, both in Germany, and one of the editors of the international journal Time & Society. He is a well-known social and political scientist dedicated, among other topics, to the study of social acceleration as a characteristic of modernity, a problem he develops from a critical theory perspective.


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