Artistic practice in the Epistemology of the South. Redefining the experience together with social collectives in a situation of oppression in Seville - Spain.(2007/2019)

Manuel Muñoz Bellerin (CES)

May 12, 2022, 15h00

Room 1, CES | Alta


Comments: Boaventura de Sousa Santos (CES)


Artistic practice is a way of understanding, interpreting and expressing the different worlds we inhabit. From the perspective of Epistemologies of the South, it is the production of knowledge that arises from the struggles for dignity. The experience of a socio-artistic process generated by homeless people in the city of Seville serves as an example to question the scope of art as a strategy of counterhegemonic resistance.

Bio note

Manuel Muñoz Bellerin
| PhD in Social Sciences in the research line: Culture, Development and Social Intervention. Currently, Associate Professor at the Pablo de Olavide University since the academic year 2007/2008. Director and teacher in the University Specialty Course "Social Theatre and Socio-Educational Intervention" in the 5 editions that this course has been in force. Guest Professor at the Universities of Granada, Nacional de Costa Rica, Universidade Estadual Paulista- Unesp and Universidade Tiradentes-UNIT in Brazil, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú, Universidad de Cuenca (Ecuador), etc., facilitating seminars and workshops related to the practice of theatre in social sciences. Publication in different scientific journals of articles on social work, social research, social theatre, etc., giving parallel lectures in academic and social spaces. Since 1995, in process of work and applied research with different collectives with the commitment to articulate strategies of active participation through art, specifically with theatre, performance and collective theatre creation. In a singular way, for 12 years with theatre as a form of expression in search of participant emancipation with groups in a context of social exclusion. In the field of social work, participation in different social projects with various groups, especially in the field of social services and with groups in contexts of exclusion (homeless and roma community).


Activity within the seminar series "Constructing the Epistemologies of the South".