(En)positions and statutes: being an informal caregiver in the first person

Diana Soares Meireles

Rita Joana Pinheiro Maia

February 16, 2022, 15h00 (GMT)

Online event

Bio notes

Rita Joana Pinheiro Maia - Singer and songwriter from Coimbra, whose childhood spent in the village of Santo Varão, lower Mondego, was marked by the freedom of the rural environment. However, her family sought better living conditions in Coimbra, where she attended catholic school. Her tastes beyond music cross the universe of philosophy and cinema. At the age of 16/17 she had to take care of her family and assume herself as their pillar. In 2016,  Rita Joana became an informal cargiver for her war disabled father and seven years younger brother. In her personal life, she has been involved in the struggle for the dignity of Justice, of Human Rights in Portuguese prisons and of the very questions about the Preventive Measures process. She was always attentive to and followed the struggle of the Disabled in the Armed Forces, through direct contact with members and leaders of ADFA, since she was three years old, and ended up getting involved in their struggles. Later she became an informal caregiver for her mother. Recently she fought for the Statute of the Informal Caregiver where she was in the front line, with political debates and fervour in her soul for it to exist. Later, in the middle of social causes, she realized her desire to be a singer.

Diana Soares Meireles - Informal caregiver


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