
Local Governments: Human Rights, Democracy and Participation - what challenges and opportunities?

May 19, 2022, 10h30-12h00 (GMT+1)

Online Event via Zoom


Local governments are often the first point of contact between the population and the State. They therefore play an important role in promoting and safeguarding the population's own interests and intervening at a grassroots level, and they are entities with an essential role in this transformation.

In this session we will touch on the central themes of promoting a culture of Human Rights in local governments, through concrete themes and exercises that can be replicated in a working environment. It is aimed at a broad target audience, with a special focus on those who work with the general public and requires no prior knowledge or training in the area.

Carla Luís is the coordinator of VOTEdhr - Elections, Democracy and Human Rights. Member of the National Elections Commission since 2009. Co-author of several annotated electoral laws, among others. She lectures in the area of Electoral Observation, Electoral Justice, among others. Certified BRIDGE trainer. Researcher at CES – Centre for Studies, in post-doctoral studies. She has carried out work in the area of Elections and Democracy, with international and national institutions. She has a PhD from the University of Coimbra, with a thesis on the UN and the impact of electoral systems. She was a researcher in The Electoral Integrity Project (Univs. Sydney/Harvard) and worked with PNUD as a legal election advisor, among others. She has a Master's degree in Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) and a degree in Law from FDUNL.

Diana Silva is a nurse, she collaborated in development cooperation missions in Timor-Leste and Sao Tome and Principe, covering the monitoring of health policies in community services and training of health personnel. In Portugal she worked in a risk reduction centre for people who use drugs and coordinated projects in the area of community health, including the promotion of access to health services by the migrant population. She is a Human Rights and Citizenship Education facilitator, having collaborated in the Human Rights Education Programme SOMOS of the Lisbon City Council, among others. In 2017 she founded the Pirilampos Ed. educational project, aimed at children, youth and adults, with the goal of developing social-emotional resources in healthy bodies through yoga, meditation and emotional intelligence. Since 2020 she has been doing pedagogical coordination and is a trainer in the project VoteDHr - Elections, Democracy and Human Rights.

Target Audience
Those who work or intend to work with themes related to Human Rights, in its various aspects, in local governments, namely municipal councils, parish councils, including elected representatives, leaders and employees, as well as support to executives. The session is also relevant for the public administration in general and those who perform functions in it, in various capacities, or those who intend to do so. It may also be of value to people working in NGOs, students or researchers.

Distance Learning | Live sessions using the Zoom platform. Free access, registration required.

Limited number of registrations | priority for registrations from local governments and other public entities.