The Bolsonaro Government, the Pandemic and the Crisis of Democracy
Leonardo Avritzer (CES/UFMG)
November 29, 2021, 16h00
Room 1, CES | Alta
Bolsonarism is both a movement and a way of governing. Anchored in a conception of anti-politics, Bolsonaro appointed his ministry without any negotiation with the political system and prioritised the act of undoing policies in the area of education and environment. With the onset of the pandemic, Bolsonaro destroyed his last bridges with the political system and extended the policy undoing act to the area of health. The aim of this seminar is to analyse the politics of the pandemic, Jair Bolsonaro's conflicts with the Supreme Court and the manner he mobilises far-right activism in Brazil.
Bio note
Leonardo Avritzer | Member of the Scientific Committee of the Institute for Advanced Transdisciplinary Studies, Leonardo Avritizer holds a degree in Social Sciences from UFMG (1983), a Master's degree in Political Science also from UFMG (1987), and a PhD in Political Sociology from the New School for Social Research (1993). He completed post-doctoral studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1998-1999) and (2003). He is currently a full professor in the Department of Political Science at UFMG. He was area representative of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (2005-2011), visiting professor at USP (2004), Tulane University (2008) and the University of Coimbra (2009). He was director of the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences (1997-1998) and current president of the Brazilian Political Science Association (2012-2014). He is a member of the Advisory Board of the International Political Science Association (IPSA). He is the author of the following books: Democracy and the public space in Latin America (2002) and A moralidade da democracia (1996) - best book of the year award (ANPOCS), Participatory Institutions in Democratic Brazil (2009), Los Desafios de la Participación en América Latina (2014)
Activity under the Research Programme alice-ES and the Doctoral Programme «Post-Colonialisms and Global Citizenship»