
Transnational agrifood companies: time to «tell it like it is»

Manoela Carneiro Roland

Míriam Villamil Balestro Floriano

Paula Johns

Valéria Burity

19 de julho de 2021, 14h30-17h30 (GMT+1)

Online event


Considering the complexity and systemic vision surrounding food issues, it is necessary to clarify the global situation with regard to the activities of transnational agri-food companies, shedding light on the unregulated progress and the actions of corporations whose practices often result in flagrant disrespect for food sovereignty and violations of HRtAFN and other human rights. The examples of cases highlight the urgent need to establish Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations. An International Treaty on Business and Human Rights is currently being drafted.




Valéria Burity, lawyer, MA in Legal Sciences at the Federal University of Paraíba and Secretary-General of FIAN Brazil

Manoela Carneiro Roland, Associate Professor in International Law at the Federal University Juiz de Fora, Chief-Editor at Homa Pública - International Journal for Human Rights and Companies

Paula Johns, Sociologist and Master in International Developmental Studies at Roskilde University, Denmark, Director-General od ACT Health Promotion, Former President of the Board of  Framework Convention Alliance (FCA), member of the Steering Comittee of the Alliance for Adequate and Healthy Food - Brazil 

Organisers: CES-UC, FIAN-Brazil, FIAN-Internacional, Alliance for Adequate and Healthy Food - Brazil  and European Research Institute-EURICONV