
Food in the School Environment: defending rights and promoting health

Kelly Alves

Larissa Mendes

Mariana Santarelli

15 October, 2021, 14h30-17h30 (GMT+1)

Online event


School Meals - SM, in addition to being a substantial moment of feeding and gathering around the table for thousands of students, often represent the meal of greatest nutritional contribution for those in situations of greater social vulnerability. Moreover, the SM takes place in a privileged environment of the educational process, where the possibilities of learning about proper nutrition can be enhanced. Topics such as sustainability, ultra-processed foods - nowadays there is intense marketing of "edibles" aimed at children and adolescents -, agro-ecological food production, cooperation and food culturality, healthy sharing of common goods, among many other topics, can be added to a food education process, contributing to conscious food choices also outside the school environment



Kelly Alves, PhD in Collective Health, member of ACT Brazil and Alliance for Adequate and Healthy Food - Brazil  

Mariana Santarelli, Reporter for Human Rights DHESCA Platform Brazil

Larissa Mendes, Federal University of  Minas Gerais, UC researcher, School Meals Researcher

Moderator: Patrícia Branco (CES-UC)

Organisers: CES-UC, FIAN-Brazil, FIAN-International, Alliance for Adequate and Healthy Food (Brazil) and European Research Institute-EURICONV