International Colloquium

Anti-racist education and curricular practices in Brazilian public university

December 3 and 4, 2020, 09h00 (Brasilia Time | BRT)

Online event


December 3, 2020

9h00-09h15  | Introduction: Danielle Araújo (CES/UC)

09h20-10h00 | Opening Conference: Curriculum Policies and Anti-racist Education: university curricula at the centre of the debate - Part I 
Kátia Regis - Federal Universty of Maranhão (UFMA) 

10h00-11h00 | General Presentation of the Conference: Silvia Maeso (CES/UC), Danielle Araújo (CES/UC), Marcos Silva (CES/UC); Amilcar Pereira (UFRJ)

11h00 | Panel 1- Theme 1: Policies of recognition and their unfolding in public education: the teaching of Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous History and Culture 
Mediator: Amilcar Araujo Pereira - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) 

Ana Flávia Magalhães Pinto - University of Brasília (UnB)
Felipe Sotto Maior Cruz - University of Brasília (UnB) Fernanda Oliveira da Silva – Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)| 

12h30-13h00 | Q&A 

13h00-14h30 | Break:

14h30-17h00 | Panel 2- Theme 2:  Teacher training, pedagogical projects and antiracist curricular practices at the Brazilian public university
Mediator: Mônica Lima - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Ana Paula Procópio da Silva - State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)
Edson Kayapó - Federal Institute of Bahia (IFBA) and Post-Graduate Programme in Teaching and Ethnic-Racial Relations of the Federal University of Southern Bahia
Fátima Lima Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Post-Graduate Interdisciplinary Programme in Applied Linguistics (UFRJ) and Post-Graduate Programme in Ethnic-Racila Relations - (CEFET/RJ)

16h10 - 16h40 |  Q&A


Decemeber 4, 2020 

9h30 | Closing Conference: Políticas curriculares e educação antirracista: os currículos universitários no centro do debate - Part II
Tonico Benites -  Federal University of Roraima (UFRR)

10h30 | Panel 1- Theme 3:  Towards the expansion of university education in Brazil in the years 2000 and antiracist education Mediator: Maria Lúcia da Silva (FIAM-FAAM Centro Universitário-SP)

Geranilde Costa e Silva - University for the International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB)
Florêncio Almeida Vaz Filho - Universidade Federal University of West Pará (UFOPA)
Claudete Gomes Soares - Federal University of Fronteira Sul (UFFS)   

12h10-12h40 | Q&A

12h40-13h00 | Closing: Silvia Maeso (CES/UC), Amilcar Pereira (UFRJ), Marcos Silva, Danielle Araújo (CES/UC)