1st Colóquio

Peripheries and their Recent Transformations

February 5, 2019, 10h00

Room 1, CES | Alta


This activity aims to foster dialogue and exchange among researchers at all levels (doctoral students, postdoctoral students, researchers, teachers) and nationalities, involved or interested in the theme that identifies the group, seeking to provide a space for strengthening, dissemination and critical reflection about the results of the researches that they carry out or have performed in this same area.

The colloquium is organised in two sessions: the 1st on 05/02/2019 and the 2nd on 12/02/2019.

The central axis of both sessions will be the issue of peripheries, addressed under the cutting of their recent transformations, grouped in the following axes of reflection: (1) socio-spatial in nature; (2) of an identity and symbolic nature; (3) of a conceptual and methodological nature.

Based on these axes, it seeks to include debates such as:

  • the analysis of cases of  peripheral speech and voices, in addition to the emergence of new collective subjects;
  • the problematisation of the concept of periphery, the naming of places in this form and the 'fads' that can surround this use;
  • processes of expulsion, gentrification, marginalisation and other correlates;
  • the multiple sociocultural dimensions that surround the peripheries, such as the history of the place, the artistic expressions, the production of languages, etc .;
  • the internal regulatory structures that have emerged within them, which are translated into their own normative codes, territorial management and conflict management institutions, forming their socio-juridical dimension;
  • the methodological and political issues involved in the search of the peripheries (or "in" the peripheries, or "with" the peripheries, etc.)

Organisers: Alex Magalhães (PostDoc at CES) and Tatiana Moura (CES researcher)