Seminar | ECOSOL-CES

Recovered companies in Brazil 

Flávio Chedid Henriques (Soltec/Nides/UFRJ)

April 8, 2019, 17h00

Room 8, CES | Alta


In Latin America companies recovered by workers represent a way out of the high unemployment rate generated by the neoliberal model and at the same time are long-lived experiments of self-management. What do these practices teach us about alternatives to the hegemonic way of organising labour? What research and outreach methods can be used to systematise and enhance these practices? In the book "Dialética da Autogestão em Empresas Recuperadas por Trabalhadores no Brasil", the result 5 years of research and outreach, we can find some clues on these issues developed in the field of what we have called popular engineering and believe it is important to promote dialogue with cases that emerged in Europe in the wake of the 2008 crisis and with the proposal of the epistemologies of the South. 

Bio note

Flávio Chedid Henriques has a degree and a Masters in Production Engineering (Coppe/UFRJ) and a PhD in Urban and Regional Planning (Ippur/UFRJ). He has been a researcher-outreacher at Soltec/UFRJ since 2004 and is currently Outreach Director of the Interdisciplinary Nucleus for Social Development (Nides/UFRJ), General Coordinator of the Technical Solidarity Research Group (SOLTEC/UFRJ) and professor of the Postgraduate Programme in Technology for Social Development. He is the organiser of the book Solidary Economy in Latin America: national realities and public policies (2011); of Technology, Participation and Territory (Editora UFRJ, 2015); of the book Technology for Social Development - Diálogos Nides (2018) and the book Dialectics of Self-Management in Companies Recovered by Workers in Brazil (2019). He is co-author of the book Empresas Recuperadas por Trabalhadores no Brasil (Multifoco, 2013) and author of the book Autogestão em Empresas Recuperadas por Trabalhadores: Brasil e Argentina (Insular Publishing House, 2016). He works in the field of Solidarity Economy with studies on Labour Organisation and Self-Management.

Activity within ECOSOL-CES