Art and Epistemologies of the South - The struggle for an emancipatory and transgressive right
Paola Cantarini Guerra (CES)
May 2, 2019, 10h00
Room 2, CES | Alta
Following-up on the postdoctoral researches and seminar I, to be held on 11.2018, we propose to reflect on the following questions: could it be possible to speak today about emancipatory Law, linked to transgression and conceptions of knowledge and epistemologies related to the arts and to the knowledge, allied to the revolutionary subject, or to a resistance, taking as a starting point the proposal of Boaventura de Sousa Santos of a Sociology of Absences as a transgressive procedure, an insurgent sociology, and stressing the necessity of transgression and a rebel subjectiveness (Boaventura de Sousa Santos, "Renewing Critical Theory, Reinventing Social Emancipation," pp. 33 ff.), with a view to contributing to the verification of what would be the conditions of a transgressing discourse.
Therefore, the intention is to analyse whether an emancipatory law, another law and another policy, counter-hegemonic, subaltern cosmopolitanism or of the oppressed would be possible, even in the face of the four main forms of social fascism in which we live, namely fascism of social apartheid, parastatal fascism, fascism of insecurity and financial fascism. Is it possible a new law and a new policy, a non-Western West, even in the face of the capitalist economic regime?
Bio note
Paola Cantarini Guerra - Lawyer and university professor. PhD in Legal Philosophy from the University of Salento - Italy, post-doctorate at CES/University of Coimbra - Studies on Democracy, Citizenship and Law Research Group, author of several articles and legal and philosophical books.