Advanced Training Course

Tip of the tongue: Stories, Memories and Innovation in Emigration

Karen Worcman (Diretora do Museu da Pessoa)

July 25, 2018, 10h00

Room 1, CES | Alta


This course will present the factors that constitute the Museum of the person under the perspective of a Social technology.

topics under discussion:
1. the concept of social technology
2. the concept of a virtual and collaborative museum
3. The method of the Museu da Pessoa to train teachers, community and social leaders and organisations to build their own communities of memory

In this context, the trajectory of the Museum of the person, as well as the analysis of some cases (the digital community and the territory), will be described so that, together with the students, we deepen the concept of the socio-cultural impact of life histories for the formation of a society.

Target audience: PhD students in the areas of social sciences and humanities and interested professionals the research projects of the research group.

Registration Fee: 30 euros


Bio note 

Karen Worcman - Historian, graduated from Fluminense Federal University, with a postgraduate degree in Linguistics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Member of the interdisciplinary research group of Diversitas - Humanities, Rights and other legitimacies (USP -University of São Paulo).

Founder and director-president of the Instituto Museu da Pessoa ( since 1991.  Avina Leader (2007-2009) and Ashoka fellow since 1999 (, and was a member of the Ashoka Global Fellowship Team between 2004 and 2008, focusing on strategies to increase social impact. She is currently on the Board of the Center For Digital Storytelling ( and acts as Storytelling collector of the Wellbeing project.

She has been editor and co-editor of several publications such as História Falada: memória, rede e mudança social (2006), ecnologia Social de Memória (2009), Transformações Amazônicas (2010) , Todo Mundo tem uma História para contar (2012), Quase Canções (2017) e Social Memory Tecnhology: Theory, Practice, Actionn (in partnership with Joanne Garde-Hansen -Warrick University - Routledge Publications house - 2016).

The Museu da Pessoa is an OSCIP - Civil Society Organisation of Public Interest - founded in 1991 in São Paulo with the purpose of registering, preserving and disseminating life histories of every person in society. Considered one of the first virtual museums in the world, today it has a collection of around 17 thousand life stories and more than 60 thousand photos and digitized documents that reveal the experiences of 20th and 21st century' Brazilians. Throughout its history, the Museu da Pessoa systematized its work methodology and developed a social memory technology already applied in public schools, communities and institutions inside and outside Brazil. In the last 25 years, the Museu da Pessoa has inspired an international memory network and carried out some 260 memory projects that have resulted in institutional memory centers (Vale, Petrobras, Votorantim, BNDES and some 70