Advanced Training Course

Human Rights: what rights, for which humans?

October 25 to 27, 2018, 09h30

Rooms 1 & 2, CES-Coimbra


25th October

9h30 Introductory session

Do human rights support contemporary social struggles? Who are the 'humans' and what are the 'rights'? This introductory session will be the starting point towards these reflections.

13h00 - lunch break

15h00 - Session: How does neoliberalism impact your daily life?

Explore the impacts, challenges, and violences of neoliberalism, as a current manifestation of capitalism engaging with counter-hegemonic alternatives to the neoliberal agenda.


26th October

9h30 - Racism: Who Speaks About Whom?

When is The Other able to speak? Join the laboratory of knowledges.

13h00 - lunch break

15h00 - Gender Monologues

Playing with gender performance, the "gender monologues" will be a moment of discomfort, teasing and sharing. Do you fit?


27th October

9h30 - Coimbra Walking Tour

Walking tour through Coimbra historical sites: to debate colonialism, silences, and resistances.

Obs: for this session, bring comfortable shoes and check the weather forecast for the need of an umbrella.

13h00 - lunch break

14h30- Reflecting on Social Struggles

After three intensive days, how about exploring different ways to act? Let's reflect together on the current social struggles and movements around the world.

17h30 - Final session - sharing, thoughts, prospects.