From production to consumption: the long road to a supermarket with fresh produce and quality

Eber Quiñonez (Doutorando FEUC)

March 27, 2018, 14h30

Room 1, CES | Alta


In this seminar I intend to work on the short agrifood circuits, focusing on two aspects: a) food production, with a critical analysis of the great agricultural industries and the role of small agriculture, based on the dominant and hegemonic role of agri-food capitalism; b) and that of food consumption, based on two main components, that of food waste (in the chain of production, distribution and consumption), which is a current problem in many advanced capitalism countries (and around the world), and of the increasing popularity that organic products have gained in large food distribution chains.

Bio note

Eber Quiñonez is a PhD candidate in Sociology from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra. Master in Sociology from the same Faculty. Graduated in Social Psychology at the University of San Carlos, Guatemala. He has Guatemalan nationality and has lived in Coimbra for several years.
Member of the Study Group on Solidarity Economy at the Centre for Social Studies (ECOSOL-CES). His research interests include: Rural sociology; solidarity economy; small agricultural production and family farming; environment and territorial development; among others. His doctoral thesis is being developed in the area of solidarity economy and is entitled «Os circuitos curtos de comercialização de bens agroalimentares: Um caminho para a construção de relações próximas e solidárias entre produtores e consumidores».