Educommunication as an Epistemology of the South: Emancipatory Possibilities
Rafael Martini
Rosane Rosa
July 9, 2018, 14h00
Room 1, CES | Alta
Inspired by the challenge proposed by Boaventura Sousa Santos (2007), that is, of "rethinking critical theory and reinventing social emancipation", this seminar intends to theoretically reflect on the proposition of Educommunication as an Epistemology of the South. The main questions that will guide our seminar are: can education be identified as an Epistemology of the South? what is the role of educommunication in the process of social emancipation, in the context of Brazilian and Latin American social organisations? what leverages the emancipatory process? Our place of thinking and implementing emancipatory processes stems from the interface between communication and popular education, in informal learning environments, here called Community Educommunication. We base our argument on thesis that the Educommunication, as an Epistemology of the South, fills the vacuum left by Habermas' Theory of "Communicative Action". In order to do so, we resort to the educommunicative thought of authors such as Kaplun, Soares, Citeli and Peruzzo, who, based on the theory of dialogic education of the educator Paulo Freire, invest in an educational communication that distinguishes itself for being participative, pedagogical, problematising, democratic and using experimental aesthetics. We start from the premise that communication is an experience of alterity crucial for implementing an "ecology of knowledges", for "post-abyssal thinking" and for the process of "intercultural translation", to which Sousa Santos refers.
Keywords: Community Educommunication, Epistemology of the South, Ecology of Knowledges, Social Emancipation
Origin and development of Educommunication as an Epistemology of the South;
Educommunication, Participation and Emancipation;
Communicative Ecosystems and Ecology of Knowledges;
Analysis and Social Intervention Device.
Rosane Rosa - CES/UC and UFSM
Rafael Martini - UMinho and UDESC
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