
3 Perspectives, 3 Voices on Refugee Integration Dynamics

April 20, 2018, 10h30

Gonçalves da Silva Room, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra

Bio notes

Jeff Crisp is an expert on refugee, migration and humanitarian issues. He has held senior positions with UNHCR, where he was head of policy development and evaluation, as well as Refugees International (senior director for policy and advocacy) and the Global Commission on International Migration (director of policy and research).
He has also worked for the Independent Commission on International Humanitarian Issues, the British Refugee Council and Coventry University. Crisp has first-hand experience of refugee situations and humanitarian operations throughout the world and has published, lectured and broadcast extensively on refugee-related issues and African affairs.

André Costa Jorge is director of JRS – Portugal and a member of the Board and Board of JRS Europe. He is a member and co-founder of the Executive Committee of the Platform for Support to Refugees (PAR) and currently a member of the Municipal Council for Interculturality and Citizenship (CMIC) of the Lisbon City Council.
He was a member of the Consultative Council on Immigration Affairs (COCAI) between 2008 and 2014. André Costa Jorge holds a degree in Anthropology and he is the author of two documentaries that discuss the theme of migrations and collaborator on Radio Antena1 in the comment space "Public Causes".
JRS develops several services and projects for the reception and integration of migrants and refugees in Portugal. It is responsible for the Secretariat of the Platform for Support to Refugees (PAR) and for the management of the Refugee Reception Center (CATR) in partnership with the Municipal Council of Lisbon. JRS also accompanies immigrants in administrative detention.

Ghalia Taki is a Refugee from Syria, which has been living in Portugal for the past 3 years. She is a mediator and interlude working with refugees in Portugal.

Lisa Matos holds a degree in International Relations from the University of Coimbra, and a Master's degree in Political Science from Long Island University in NY. Lisa has spent 10 years in the USA in the field of reception, rehabilitation and integration of survivors of torture, and served as Director of the torture program at Health Right International in NY, and consultant to the National Consortium of Torture Treatment Programs and the Office of Refugee Resettlement in Washington, A.D. Returned to Portugal in 2014, Lisa Matos was a consultant and later responsible for the host program of refugees from the Jesuit Refugee Service by 2016. Lisa has been a researcher for William James since 2017 Center for Research at ISPA in Lisbon, and PhD student in Clinical Psychology, developing work in the area of adjustment and attribution of meaning after trauma to refugee populations.