
 Social Sciences and Health. The plurality of research methodologies | Session 1

Beatriz Xavier

Susana de Noronha

March 16, 2017, 14h30

Room 2, CES-Coimbra


Beatriz Xavier | 
Methodological and ethical issues in patient research in primary health care

Bio note
Beatriz Xavier is a sociologist, PhD in Sociology from FCSH/UNL, a professor at the Nursing School of Coimbra since 1999, researcher at the Health Sciences Research Unit of the Nursing School of Coimbra (UICSE). Her research interests focus on public health, health promotion, ethics and research in health. She is a member of the executive committee of the European Society of Health and Medical Sociology.

Susana de Noronha |The Third Half of Things and Knowledge: the anthropological method to mix cancers and objects among women, art(s) and science(s)

Nota Biográfica
Susana de Noronha is an anthropologist and a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (Science, Economy and Society Research Group - NECES), with a MA and a PhD (summa cum laude) in sociology of culture, University of Coimbra, Portugal. Author of the award-winning book - A Tinta, a Mariposa e a Metástase: a arte como experiência, conhecimento e acção sobre o cancro de mama [Paint, Mariposas and Metastasis: art as experience, knowledge and action on breast cancer] published in 2009 by Afrontamento. Her second book, Objects Made of Cancer: material culture and illness on women's art stories, was published by Almedina/CES in 2015. She is developing the third part of a research trilogy (2013-2019) about the continuities that exist between art, material culture and oncological disease, her working field since 2005. Her current research project has been awarded a postdoctoral grant by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, giving continuity to the previous MA and PhD grants. Winner ex aequo of the 2007 "CES award for young social scientists from countries having portuguese as the official language" and of the "Bernardino Machado Award 2003" for the student with the highest final ranking in Anthropology. She is also a lyricist, with work published in three albums, one EP and four compilations.