
The Russian Revolution and Ecosocialism

Michael Löwy (CNRS - Paris)

February 8, 2017, 17h00

Sala Keynes, Faculty of Economics - UC

Moderator: Teresa Cunha (CES)

After the lecture, José Neves (IHC-FCSH/NOVA) and João Rodrigues (CES-FEUC) will present the book Utopias (Edição Ler Devagar/UNIPOP), by Michael Löwy.

Bio note

Michael Löwy (São Paulo, 1938) is emeritus researcher of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, France) and has published in several languages. His books published in Portugal include: Utopias - Ensaios sobre Política, História e Religião (Ler Devagar, edições Unipop, 2016), Revolta e Melancolia - O Romantismo Contra a Corrente da Modernidade (Bertrand, 1997) and O Pensamento de Che Guevara (Bertrand, 1976).