International Colloquium
Luanda and Maputo: Urban space in literature
September 25, 2015, 10h00
Room 1, CES-Coimbra
10h00m – 10h45m: Opening and presentation of the project
10h45m – 12h30m: 1st Session
Chair: Pires Laranjeira (FLUC)
Roberto Vecchi (Universidade de Bolonha)
'Genius loci' and the non-applicability of the myth: symbolic architectures in postcolonial urban plots - Luanda and Maputo
Walter Rossa (DARQ-FCTUC/ CES)
Tales of two cities: urban heritage and urban resilience
Margarida Calafate Ribeiro (CES)
Literary voices of Luanda and Maputo
Walter Rossa, Margarida Calafate Ribeiro e Nuno Gonçalves
The project database
14h00m - 16h00m: 2nd Session
Chair: José Luandino Vieira
Sara Ventura da Cruz (DPIP-IIIUC/CES)
The construction of a colonial capital: images of urban development of Luanda (XVI-XIX centuries )
Phillip Rothwell (Universidade de Oxford)
Architecture of power in Pepetela's representation of Luanda
Mónica Silva (DPIP-IIIUC/CES)
Foreclosed lives. Luanda through the prisons (1950-1974)
Júlia Garraio (CES)
A body to make Luanda: Outback black reconfigurations of the Angolan literature between the second half of the nineteenth century and the Civil War
16h15m -18h15m: 3rd Session
Chair: Júlio Carrilho (FAPF, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane)
Nuno S. Gonçalves (DPIP-IIIUC/CES)
The urban space of Mafalala: origin, evolution and characterization
Francisco Noa (UniLurio)
Mafalala: memory of a sociocultural landscape
Fátima Mendonça (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane)
The poetry of José Craveirinha in poetic script of Mafalala
Margarida Calafate Ribeiro and Walter Rossa
Final considerations