Gender workshop

Equality policies in Spanish universities: legal regulation and practical reality of gender studies

Asunción Ventura Franch (Universitat Jaume I de Castelló)

December 7, 2015, 17h00

Room 2, CES-Coimbra


Since the 1980’s academic feminism has called for the introduction of gender studies in the University. Today and following the conclusion of the European Higher Education space endorsed by the Bologna Declaration in every university, with some exceptions, has witnessed the introduction of new curricula that systematically violate the obligations of teaching, gender research and training established by the legislature. Over more than 10 years after the passage of legislation (laws of equality, gender violence ...) which stipulates the need to include training on gender issues in university education, and observing its consistent failure, sit is fair to say that many universities have  not included any subject relating to gender in university degrees and that the current criteria used in the evaluation of the research activity does not recognise most of the contributions that are made from feminist gender and women studies. There is evidence that the pursuit of feminist research topics was penalised in assessments of research sections and that there is and underestimation of feminist publications. Thus, in this workshop, in addition to the characterization of the situation of Spanish universities, we shall discuss the factors that contribute to this situation and strategies to overcome it. 

Suggested Readings

Asunción Ventura Franch. Normativa sobre estudios de género y universidad. Feminismo/s: Revista del Centro de Estudios sobre la Mujer de la Universidad de Alicante. 12, pp. 155 - 184. Universidad de Alicante. Centro de Estudios sobre la Mujer, 2008. ISSN 1696-8166;

Asunción Ventura Franch. La integración de los estudios de las mujeres, feministas y de género en la Universidad española. Igualdad ¿para qué? a propósito de la Ley Orgánica para la igualdad efectiva de mujeres y hombres. (Coord. Ángela Figueruelo Burrieza, María Luisa Ibañez Martínez, Rosa Maria Merino Hernández). pp. 523 - 538. Comares, 2007. ISBN 978-84-9836-312-8;

[To access the articles under discussion send an email to]

Bio note

Asunción Ventura Franch. Profesora Titular de Derecho Constitucional en la Universitat Jaume I de Castelló.
Vice-President of  Fundación Isonomía para la Igualdad de Oportunidades.
Vice-Rector and General Secretary of  Universitat Jaume I.
Director of the MA in Equality and Gender in private and public scope.  Interuniversitarian and International (On-line), organised by Universidad Jaume I.
Coordinator of the research group  “ Derecho y Género” , Universitat Jaume I
Coordinator of the doctoral programme: Estudis e investigacions sobre les dones, feministes i de génere.
Advisor to the project of renovation of the Libro Blanco de Estudios de las mujeres en las universidades españolas (1992-1995).Participated as an expert on parliamentary procedure for the preparation of the Integral Organic Law against Gender Violence.Published numerous works, including monographs, book chapters and articles in scientific journals.Participated as a speaker at numerous conferences, seminars and national and international courses.Her research interests are: equality in constitutional theory, basic rights and political power from a feminist perspective.

Organisers: Associação Portuguesa de Estudos sobre as Mulheres (APEM) | Catarina Martins and Teresa Cunha (NHUMEP) and Ana Oliveira (DECIDe).