Applications for FCT PhD Research studentships 2022

Notice of intent to apply to CES by March 22, 2022

The Centre for Social Studies (CES) informs that the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) has announced the call for PhD Research studentships. The call will run from 8th of March to 7th of April 2022 (5 p.m., Lisbon time). For more information, please consult the FCT website.

Those interested in having CES as their scientific host institution under their application for FCT scholarships need to obtain an institutional opinion from CES, for which they should submit an notice of intention to apply that should consider the following criteria:

1. Applications must be submitted by 23h59 of the 22nd of March 2022 (deadline) through the email

2. The CES will consider applications from students already enrolled in CES doctoral programmes.

3. The CES will also consider the scientific hosting of doctoral students already registered in other doctoral programmes when the supervisor of the work plan is a CES researcher.

4. Applications should contain the complete identification of the candidate, the doctoral programme he/she is enrolled in, the updated CV, the Project  (reference model) and a declaration of acceptance of the CES supervisors’ orientation.