In Memoriam

António Gama Mendes

30.12.1948 – 31.12.2014

The demise of António Gama Mendes came as a huge shock. Unexpectedly, he left us. The vehemence of rampant death leaves us, now, before the living and immensely grateful memory of the resoluteness and devotion with which António Gama Mendes faced the world.

Noble researcher, unique intelligence, immeasurable knowledge, exemplary friend, one of the most dedicated members of the Centre for Social Studies and the Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais passed away – a member who had been there since the time when, still in the form of a project, both were venturing to take the first steps in national academic and intellectual life.

With the lineage of those always available and a never bargained generosity, António Gama Mendes was able to deliver to one and all - students, colleagues, friends - a gift that we‘ll strive to care.

Thank you, António, for your example and your teaching.