CES (com)vida 2020
Coronavirus: Povo Yanomami irá questionar na justiça enterro de jovem sem autorização dos pais, em Roraima
Emily Costa
Kátia Brasil
Amazônia Real
Outbreaks of infectious diseases have revealed the difficulties faced by health systems anchored in biomedicine in dealing with cultural difference and, in particular, with differences in the relation with death and funeral rituals, generating situations of contempt regarding the way communities and peoples deal with their dead. This is the case reported in this news, which occurred when the death of a young Yanomami Indian, in the state of Roraima, in the Brazilian Amazon, a situation with a history in another region of the world, West Africa, during the Ebola epidemic of 2014-16, and in the latter, forms of dialogue between health teams and the communities involved were promoted, allowing the recreation of safe funeral rituals.