
Matar civiles: la violencia en las guerras internas europeas

Javier Rodrigo (Universidade Autónoma de Barcelona)

14 de abril de 2014, 15h00

Sala 2, CES-Coimbra


This seminar, presented in spanish, deals with the comparative history of violence in European civil wars from 1936 to 1949, taking the Second World War as central axis. It assumes the need for taking into consideration the multiplicity of wars that took place in Europe between those years: civil, international, class, or race wars. And it concludes that those were specially violent wars because of the juxtaposition of conflicts within them. That is reason why it is not possible to mark a caesura in 1945 as the year of the end of the civil violence in Europe.

Nota biográfica

Javier Rodrigo, Univ. Autonoma Barcelona. PhD (2004) in History from the European University Institute in Florence and postdoctoral researcher at the London School of Economics and the UNED in Madrid, has later been “Juan de la Cierva” Fellow at the University of Zaragoza, and is currently “Ramón y Cajal”Fellow at the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona.

His main research interest have been violence, civil wars, the concentrationary systems in Europe, and Fascism. His publications include five books as single author: Los campos de concentración franquistas. Entre la historia y la memoria (2003); Cautivos. Campos de concentración en la España franquista, 1936-1947 (2005); Vencidos. Violenza e repressione politica nella Spagna di Franco (2006); Hasta la raíz. Violencia durante la Guerra Civil y la dictadura franquista (2008); Cruzada, Paz, Memoria. La Guerra Civil en sus relatos (2013)-, four books as editor, dozens of articles in Spanish and international Journals such as Memoria e Ricerca, International Journal of Iberian Studies, European Review of History or Storica, and the edition of special issues of Journals such as Ayer or Historia Social on violence, the Spanish Civil War, or the Holocaust.

Atividade no âmbito do Programa de Doutoramento 'Democracia no Século XXI' e ENTITLE - Rede Europeia de Investigação de Ecologia Política