Outras atividades

2010 - Consultant / Rapporteur European Migration Network Study on Temporary and Circular Migration: The Portuguese Report

2008-2009 - Consultant / Rapporteur Senior Research Officer OIM Regional Office - Brussels Project Assessment of Brazilian Migration Patterns and Assisted Voluntary Return Programme from selected European Member States to Brazil (Belgium, Portugal and Ireland)

2007-2008 - Member of the Advisory Committee on the Plan for Immigrant Integrationof the High Commission for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue (ACIDI)

2006-2007 - Consultant / Rapporteur Associação de Municipios do Vale do Ave (AMAVE) & European Textile Collectivities Association (ACTE). Project INCLUA -Working together for the inclusion of immigrants The different phenomena of immigration and policies of development cooperation were at the heart of the Inclua project. Project partners exchanged best practices of local policies in the field of social and labour integration of immigrants and exit strategies to raise awareness of citizens.