
Pandemics and rare diseases: STS perspectives

Rob Hagendijk (University of Utrecht/University of Amsterdam)

May 27, 2021, 17h00 (GMT +01:00)



Rob Hagendijk (University of Utrecht/University of Amsterdam) will present current collaborative research in which he is involved on a) the national responses to Covid-19; and b) the evolving policies with respect to rare diseases and orphan drugs in NL and the EU. He will do so from an STS perspective on the changing relations between publics, politics and experts in the contemporary world.

Bio note

Rob Hagendijk is formally retired as associated professor from the University of Amsterdam. He has continued to work in the university’s Department of Political Science as a researcher specialized in studies of science, technology and society (STS), a field in which he has been active since the early 1970s and in which he obtained his PhD, and continues to work as a member of the Amsterdam Institute Social Science Research and its research group on 'Transnational Configurations, Conflict and Governance.

Social and political theory and philosophy of science have always been an important feature in his work alongside empirical work in public relations of science, science and public controversy, science and technology policy, science and technology for developing countries, international relations and European innovation policies. He was involved in the EU funded STAGE project (Science, Technology and Governance in Europe) and the RESIST project (Researching Inequality through Science and Technology).

His current work deals with the development of European policies with respect to rare diseases and orphan drugs policies, mobilizing the patients voices and establishing European reference networks for treatment and research.

He is one of the founders of the Department for Science and Technology Dynamics (1982) at the University of Amsterdam as well as the Netherlands Graduate School for Modern Culture (WTMC, 1987). From 1996-2000 he was president of the European Association for Science and Technology Studies (EASST). From the start in 2002 he has been a Council Member of the Science and Democracy Network (SDN).

His most recent book, published in 2015 with Routledge, is Science and Democracy: Making Knowledge and Making Power in the Biosciences and Beyond, co-edited with Stephen Hilgartner and Clark Miller.

Activity within the Doctoral Programmes 'Democracy in the Twenty-first Century' and 'Governance, Knowledge and Innovation'


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