A meta-investigação interdisciplinar (GLOCADEMICS): Como é que se investiga por entre línguas, culturas e epistemologias?
Maria Manuela Guilherme (CES)
10 de julho de 2017, 10h00
Sala 1, CES | Alta
[Este seminário será apresentado em português]
This seminar aims to bring about a discussion and meta-reflection on the ways researchers and research groups have dealt with such issues as linguistic, cultural and epistemological diversity within the scope of their research activities. To start with, there will be a need for an analysis of different conceptual frameworks, based upon different cultural matrices, historical and ideological standpoints, of current terms that have become ubiquitous, and therefore ambiguous, such as the multi-, inter- and trans-cultural, as well as their correlates, with different suffixes, interculturalism, interculturality and transculturality (if in English, otherwise with different meanings across languages). The internationalisation of European research groups requires research capacities that enable researchers to communicate and interact, inter- and intra-nationally and intra- and inter-continentally, with their peers, from a post-colonial perspective, in order to be prepared to develop an ecology of knowledges and promote social justice in the context of their work.
This presentation is based on the outputs of the GLOCADEMICS research project carried out in Brazil (2014-16), under the auspices of a Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellowship (2014-17), between the Centro de Estudos Sociais, Universidade de Coimbra and the Universidade de São Paulo. This seminar will also briefly report about the theoretical work underlying this empirical research and that aims to introduce new concepts in the field, that complement existing ones, namely ‘glocademics’ vs. ‘internationalisation of higher education’, ‘glocal languages’ vs. ‘lingua franca’ and ‘intercultural responsibility’ vs. ‘intercultural competence’. The expected conclusions towards this presentation is to introduce a discussion and meta-reflection on issues that currently underlie research activities but that, however, remain neglected and masked under a routine of commonsensical intuitive and ‘improviso’ decisions and solutions. This seminar aims to call attention to the need for theoretical and empirical expertise, both collaboratively intercultural and interdisciplinary, in this field.
A apresentação desta comunicação será feita em inglês para gravação video e divulgação na página electrónica do projecto. A discussão será conduzida em português.
Nota biográfica
Maria Manuela Guilherme is a Marie Curie Research Fellow at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra. Her research interests include Intercultural Communication and Education, Critical Theory and Pedagogy, Internationalisation of Higher Education, Language policies, teaching and learning, and Citizenship Education. In 2001, she was awarded the Birkmaier Award for doctoral research at Washington D. C. by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and The Modern Language Journal and she has since then coordinated several international projects funded by the European Commission. Her academic merit is also recognized at the biographical chapter by Phipps, A. (2012). "Manuela Guilherme" in C. A. Chapelle (ed.) The Encyclopaedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell Publ.