Prins Bernhard Scholarship

Tatiana Moura awarded Prins Bernhard Scholarship 2007

Tatiana Moura, CES researcher, was awarded with Prins Bernhard Scholarship 2007 regarding her research project "Masculinities and femininities between micro-wars and macro-peaces".

The project aims analyzing, on one hand, procedures traditionally considered "war strategies" and their impacts on the lives of women in non-war contexts, and, on the other hand, to study the direct involvement of women in forms of organized armed violence in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This project results of former research projects carried out at CES within the Peace Studies Research Group, financed through the" Ford Brazil Foundation", and of her doctorate research.

The Prins Bernhard Scholarship was established in 1991 through "The Spanish, Portuguese and Ibero-American Institute Foundation" in partnership with Utrecht University. Two Prins Bernhard Scholarships are awarded each year, destined to young researchers of Latin America, Spain, Portugal or Holland, and contribute to support research projects concerning economic, political and/or cultural relations amid these countries.

The official awarding ceremony took place at the Portuguese Embassy in Hague, presided by Prince Charles de Bourbon de Parme, with the presence of the Portuguese Ambassador, Júlio Francisco de Sales Mascarenhas, and also with The Ambassadors of Spain, and Latin-American Countries, as well as the Rector of Utrecht University.