The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union "in action"

The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union "in action"

September 1, 2016 to November 30, 2018
27 months

The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (CFR) reinforced the framework of the fundamental rights at the European space. However, its implementation and application is confronted with different judicial cultures and practices and the knowledge on the scope and the concrete implications of CFR rights among judicial actors are not strongly settle, although the crucial role played by these actors in its implementation. This project, combining theoretical lectures with practical workshops (on-site/classroom training and eLearning), aims develop a sustainable training program and provide to the participants (judges, public prosecutors and lawyers) the opportunities to:
‐ Development and increase of knowledge on the scope and concrete implication of CFR
‐ Facilitate the exchange of best practices
‐ Elaborate a Training Manual to support the organization of future training programs in all European Members State
‐ Design a Best Practice Manual ready-to-use by judicial actors
‐ Build a sustainable information web network to deliver training materials, case law, and to share experiences and practices on the CFR application


‐ Skills improvement of judicial actors to better deal with the legal framework of fundamental rights, in particular the CFR

‐ Training materials that can be used for future training programs in all European Member States (Best Practice Manual and Training Manual)

‐ A sustainable information web platform that will be freely accessible online and remain active after the end of the project


Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya; Utrecht School of Law, Universiteit Utrecht; Uniwesytet Szczecinski

fundamental rights, European Union, training, best practices