CC.EDU - Working Group on Citizen Science and Education

Summary of the activities from the group

Cycle of Workshops "Building Educative Communities": a three-month cycle of workshops facilitated by members of the CC.Edu team and guests with recognized work in the areas of activity of the group, including researchers, teachers in teacher training or teachers of primary and secondary education. More information HERE.

International seminars: conversations on themes related to participatory and collaborative educational approaches in different contexts, dynamised by guests from different geographical origins, to share transnational experiences and create a network of collaboration between CC.Edu members and researchers and teachers from other institutions. More information HERE.

Project - Citizen Science in Schools: implementation and analysis of collaborative and interdisciplinary research strategies between researchers, students and teachers on themes of current society and of direct interest of the parties involved. This project is part of the "Ciência Viva Club" of the Coimbra Centro School Grouping and is coordinated by the Working Group CC.Edu.

Project - Coimbra Community Centre: organisation of holiday activities and educational reinforcement for children and young people attending primary and secondary school. This project, part of the Proinfância Programme, is coordinated by the Instituto de Apoio à Criança (IAC) and also involves Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra, Associação Integrar and AMI. It is funded by the "la Caixa" Foundation/BPI and supported by the União de Freguesias de Coimbra.

Short Term Training Sessions: organization of training sessions directed to teachers, both in service and in training, with the purpose of sharing the research developed at CES and discuss ways of integrating it in the school curricula using participatory and collaborative strategies (citizen science). 

Participation in scientific meetings: presentation of the activities developed in the scope of CC.Edu in scientific meetings, to broaden the debate and reflection on education and the use of collaborative and interdisciplinary research strategies in different educational contexts, with different audiences.

Publications: publication of the results and reflections resulting from the activities developed within CC.Edu in different media (scientific journals, popular magazines, among others).

Internal meetings: internal work meetings, for researchers of the CC.Edu team, to contribute to a better inter-knowledge between colleagues and the research they conduct. These meetings will also be dedicated to the organization and implementation of the planned activities.