Seminar | Book Presentation

 “Repensar a Democracia” 

Luis Villares Naveira

Teresa Cunha

Xoán Hermida González

December 6, 2017, 17h30

Room 1, CES | Alta


We move towards a new democracy or, if one wants, a new conceptualisation of democracy. This is done at a local scope, as 15M clearly indicated that we were walking on a political model exhausted long ago. And also at a global scope, as the social contract of modernity, as Professor Boaventura de Sousa Santos observed, has long been an important social continuum.

We speak of democracy from the point of view of Professor Fernández Naveiro, who introduces us to the concepts of isonomy (the rule of law between equals) and representativeness (in the words of Naveiro himself, “the mechanical body of democracy” ), but to speak of democracy is also to refer to the common good (according to Hegel, “truth is the whole”), and to sovereignty as an expression of citizen participation. And in this context, we could not fail to address the crisis of the liberal model and the construction of new interpretations since postmodernity.

Rethinking democracy means inevitably resorting to the thinking of Boaventura de Sousa Santos. So much so that the different authors of this book refer to his work to a greater or lesser extent

With Luis Villares Naveira, Teresa Cunha and Xoán Hermida González

Bio notes

Xoán Hermida González (Pontevedra, 1965), director do Foro OBenComún, é licenciado en Historia Contemporánea pola USC, Master en «fi-losofia, cuestións actuais» e doutor en Ciencias Políticas e Xestión Pública pola USC. Foi membro do Consello Confederal da CXTG, secretario de Organización de Esquerda de Galicia e coordinador do Grupo Parlamen- tar Mixto entre 1997 e 1999. Activista altermundista, foi director da ong Amarante desde outubro de 1999 a outubro de 2007. Actualmente com- paxina a súa militancia en Espazo Ecosocialista e Marea Pontevedra, da que é o seu coordinador. 

Teresa Cunha was born in Angola and with the war. It is from this place that she looks, thinks and tells the world. She assumes herself as a pacifist feminist for whom the criticism and the struggle against the sexist social contract, the rights of peoples and nature are at the centre of her work and her reflections. She is an activist, researcher, teacher, mother, and likes to do politics the way she understands it. For her,  Epistemologies of the South make perfect sense: it is from the South and it is from this non-imperial South that she seeks to understand life, the world and the lessons we can receive from them.

Luis Villares Naveira (Lugo, 1978), actual portavoz nacional de En Marea e maxistrado en excedencia, é licenciado en Dereito pola Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, especializado na rama de Dereito do Con- sumo. É xuíz de carreira dende 2005, exerceu na Fonsagrada (2007-2010) na Audiencia Nacional (2010-2011), no País Vasco (2011-2012), en Lugo e no Tribunal Superior de Xustiza de Galicia. Foi coordinador en Galicia da asociación progresista Xuíces para a Democracia e é membro fundador da Irmandade Xurídica Galega. O 6 de agosto do 2016 presentou a súa candidatura ás primarias de En Marea, saíndo elixido candidato á presidencia da Xunta de Galicia. Logo dos comicios – nos que Villares enca- bezou as listas pola provincia de Lugo –, EnMarea foi a segunda lista máis votada, acadando un total de 14 deputados.