International Conference

Strings that weave memory: on colonial wars and liberation struggles

September 22 and 23, 2017

INEP, Bissau (Guinea-Bissau)


September 22, 2017

9h00 – 9h30
Opening and Welcome

9h30 – 11h00
Title TBC - Leopoldo Amado
Wars of the past, amnesias of the present - Miguel Cardina


Title TBC - Odete Semedo
Memories and legacies of a colonial massacre: evoking February 3 in Sao Tome and Principe - Inês Rodrigues

14h30 – 17h00
Film Screening and Discussion 
As duas Faces da Guerra [The two Sides of War], by Diana Andringa and Flora Gomes
Diana Andringa e Flora Gomes

September 23, 2017

9h00 – 10h30
Mirroring colonial status-quo in post-colonial Guinea-Bissau  - Fodé Abulai Mané
Struggles and voyages of memory: towards a decolonisation of Europe  - Bruno Sena Martins

10h30 – 11h00

11h00 – 12h30
Cabral's Panafricanism in Rap Music - Miguel de Barros
Amílcar Cabral: transnational itineraries of memory - Sílvia Roque
