
Culture, intangible heritage and urban requalification: traditions and contradictions in the heritage process of a Rio de Janeiro fair 

Martha Carvalho Nogueira (PPCIS - UERJ)

April 28, 2015, 17h00

Room 2, CES-Coimbra


After a renovation process led by the government in 2003, the north-eastern fair of São Cristóvão was transformed into a Traditions Centre, which now has a management group committed to cultural programme dedicated to the valorisation of “typical” and “authentic” Northeast Brazilian demonstrations and towards the title of intangible heritage by the IPHAN - National Historic and Artistic Heritage Institute. In this context, a number of new situations, expectations and conflicts interchanges the daily lives of vendors and suggests important reflections on the heritage processes of manifestations of popular culture in Brazil.

Bio note

Martha Carvalho Nogueira  is a PhD candidate at  PPCIS - UERJ and teaches at Pedro II School (Ministry of Education). Currently conducting an internship , granted by  PDSE - CAPES, at the Centre for Social Studies  (CES - UC).

Activity within the Cities, Cultures, and Architecture Reserach Group (CCArq)