Daniela Ferrández Pérez
Daniela Ferrández (País Valencià, 1988), is a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre of Social Studies (CES) with aggregation at the faculty of Geography and History of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Galiza). She holds a PhD degree in Contemporary History (2020, USC), with research on comparative political clientelism. In parallel, she has coordinated two research projects funded by Deputación da Coruña. The first of these focused on the study of female participation in the electoral processes of the transition to democracy in Spain, and the second one on the history of sexual dissidence in Galicia in 20th century. She has also participated as a researcher in projects about democracy and rural world (MINECO, 2015-2017), and about public housing policies (Xunta de Galicia, 2017-2019). In addition to this, she has collaborated with different associations and public institutions, through research, seminars, and specific projects, with the intention of highlighting the memory of sexual dissidence in Galicia in the 20th century. She is a member of the "Rede Galega de Estudos Queer", where she collaborates with other researchers in the development of queer research in Galicia. Her current research interest includes history and memory of sexual dissidence in the Iberian Peninsula, with special focus on repression in the Iberian dictatorships and the emergence and development of organisations for sexual emancipation.
Latest Publications
Ferrández Pérez, Daniela (2023), Más allá del voto: Clientelismo político y redes locales en el primer tercio del siglo XX. Granada: Comares Historia
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Ferrández Pérez, Daniela (orgs.) (2023), ANÁLISE, DATOS E RECOMENDACIÓNS PARA O RECOÑECEMENTO DA DIVERSIDADE EN GALICIA.. Santiago de Compostela (Galiza): Consello da Cultura Galega
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Ferrández Pérez, Daniela (2023), "Caciquismo y dictadura en la provincia de A Coruña (1923-1931)", in Lourenzo Fernández Prieto e Francisco Leira Castiñeira (org.), : Galicia, un golpe sin cuartel, una guerra sin trincheras: la construcción sociopolítica de la dictadura franquista (1936-1960). Valencia (Espanha): Publicacións Universitat de València, 47-68