Seminar series

Political Philosophy Week

January 23 to 26, 2012

CES-Coimbra e CES-Lisbon


Building a Shared World: Peoplehood and Humanity in Hannah Arendt's Jewish Writings
Speaker: Serdar Tekin (University Ege de Izmir)
Comments: Giuseppe Ballacci (CEHUM) and Valerio Nitrato Izzo (CES).
January 23rd, 5 pm, CES-Coimbra

Democracy and Openness
Speaker: Alessandro Ferrara (Universidade de Roma)
Comments: Serdar Tekin (Universidade Ege de Izmir).
January 24th, 5 pm, CES-Coimbra
[linked to Doctoral Programme "Democracy in the Twenty-first Century"]

The Democratic Horizon” (forthcoming with Columbia University Press).
Book workshop by Alessandro Ferrara (Universidade de Roma)
Comments: David Alvarez (Universidade de Vigo) e João Cardoso Rosas (CEHUM)
January 26th, 4 pm, CES-Lisbon

Organization: Mathias Thaler (CES), Giuseppe Ballacci (CEHUM) and Mihaela Mihai (CES) [Centro de Estudos Sociais (CES) / Grupo de Filosofia Política do Centro de Estudos Humanísticos da Universidade de Minho (CEHUM)]

Seminar series linked to Doctoral Programme "Democracy in the Twenty-first Century" the and the research groups Humanities, Migration and Peace Studies (NHUMEP) and Democracy, Citizenship and Law (DECIDe)