International Symposium

Cinema and Cities

October 9 to 11, 2010


> free registration online (máx. of 50 participants)

Relations between Cinema and Cities have been established since the early films of the Lumière brothers. These have been relations of mutual influence, which have profoundly determined the urban image and the perception of viewers and citizens of the cities where they live or where they do not wish to live,in imaginary cities, distant or intimately known. In the testimony of everyday urbanity, the Cinema soon began to influence and convey progressive ideas of the ideal city and the future. Following the Second World War,the city began to be used also as a scenario of human dramas of the postmodern condition.

The symposium "Cinema and Cities" is the second scientific meeting organized by the group HUM-870 Cine y  Letras. Estudios transdisciplinares sobre el arte cinematográfico(HUM-870 Cinema and letters: Transdisciplinary studies on cinema as art) at the University of Granada, coordinated by Prof. Francisco Salvador Ventura. The first symposium was held in Granada on 18-19 December 2009 and was dedicated to the theme "Cinema and Cosmopolitanism." This time, the meeting will be held in collaboration with the Architecture and Urbanism Research Group of CES, the Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra,and will take place at the premises of CES-Lisbon on 9 and 11 October 2010.

The intention of this scientific meeting is to obtain a set of reflections on the role of cinema in the interpretation of cities  from diverse perspectives (architecture, history, philosophy, art, urban planning, sociology, ethnography). To this end,researchers have been invited from different scientific fields and universities to each develop a paper on the theme of the cinematographic image in a different city in order to achieve both a reading of the relationship of cinema with a specific urban unit, while also contributing to an enlarged view of the common points and diversities of image and reading.

The symposium will discuss the following cities (among others): Los Angeles, Lisbon, Athens, Almeria, Rome, Vienna, Venice, Havana, Bogota, Budapest, Vancouver, Madrid, New York,(Lyon and Santiago de Chile tbc).

Speakers and participants are from the following institutions: Universities of Coimbra and Porto, University of Granada, Cádiz, Thessaloniki, Carlos III of Madrid, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Andalucia International, and UCLA (tbc).



Coordination: João Mascarenhas Mateus (Architecture and Urbanism,CES - Univ. Coimbra) and Francisco Salvadro Ventura (University of Granada). 





9 October


10.00h :10.15h – Opening


Session 1 Chair: João Mascarenhas Mateus


10.15h : 10.45h

Lisbon: Belarmino and Verdes Anos

Luís Urbano


10.45h : 11.15h

From Nevers to Hiroshima and Sarajevo: How to build a memory, how to forget a city…

Abílio Hernandez Cardoso


11.15h : 11.30h Coffee-Break


11.30h: 12.00h

Selling cinematic value: Heritage, landscapes, log cabins and beyond in Vancouver and its surrounds

Nancy Duxbury


12.00h : 12.30h

Shooting the Mediterranean: the Almeria landscape

Manuel Quesada Martínez


12.30h : 12.45h Discussion panel


12.45h : 13.00h

Presentation of the book “Cine y Cosmpolitismo”, Salvador Francisco (ed.)


Session 2 Chair: Manuel Quesada Martínez


15.00h : 15.30h

Los Angeles, cinema city

Francisco Salvador Ventura


15.30h : 16.00h

Rome – Los Angeles – New York. Three cities for a nightmare. The film adaptations of I am Legend by Richard Matheson

Óscar Lapeña Marchena


16.00h : 16.30h

Budapest in Cremaster 5 by Matthew Barney

Monika Keska


16.30h : 16.45h Discussion panel


16.45h : 17.00h Coffee-Break


17.00h : 18.00h

Screening of the movie “Berlin: Die Sinfonie der Großstadt (1927) by Walter Ruttmann


11 October


Session 3 Chair: Óscar Lapeña Marchena


09.30h : 10.00h

The ghost presence: Athens in the Greek Cinema

Antonio Aguilera Vita


10.00h : 10.30h

The dismantling of identity: Barcelona, Vicky, Cristina

Carmen Martínez Romero


10.30h : 11.00h

Two approaches to the cinema of Rome

Salvador Mateo Arias Romero


11.00h :11.15h Coffee-Break


11.15h : 11.45h

Vienna against the grain: actionist footages

Guillermo Cano Rojas


11.45h : 12.15h

The cinematic image of Reggia in the urban configuration of Caserta

Gloria Camarero Gómez y José María Morillas Alcázar


12.15h : 12.45h

About the childhood of New York in film

Miguel Dávila Vargas-Machuca


12.45h :13.00h Discussion panel


Session 4 Chair: Francisco Salvador Ventura


15.00h : 16.00h Screening of the movie L’oro di Napoli (1954) by Vittorio di Sica


16.00h : 16.30h

Venecian images on the screen

Ismael Freire Valverde


16.30h : 16.45h Coffeee-Break


16.45h: 17.15h

Distorted Bogotá on the screen

Czestochowa Molina Serrano


17.15h : 17.45h

If the monuments were told to us: Paris-Versailles and Sacha Guitry

João Mascarenhas Mateus


17.45h : 18.00h

Discussion panel and closing