Project Activities
Assess the socio-political and mobilization context of Food Justice movements in Europe (Macro-strand)
The team will analyze the national/transnational socio-political and policy context of food sustainability and socio-environmental justice (the European Union, Portugal and Romania), and map out and historicize current socio-environmental conflicts and movements related to 'food sustainability' and 'socio-environmental justice' in these two countries, the way they connect in practical and conceptual ways.
Investigating Alternative Food Movements (AFMs) in Portugal and Romania (Micro-strand)
The team will identify and critically examine the (subjective/material) factors which contributed to the emergency and development of AFMs: context specified motivations, problems, the sociopolitical, economic, cultural and ecological aspects, The purpose is to understand the impact of the EU crisis at the level of AFMs, and the motivations, discourses, practices of AFMs members. In-depth interviews will be conducted in both countries.
Develop a Model for JustFood Europe
The team will produce a cross-national analysis of the relationship between everyday practices of 'just food' in AFMs and their (embedded) broader socio-environmental conflicts. The purpuse is to eventually establish the implications of this relationship for public policy both at
national and supra-national level (EU), with recommendations for policymakers and legislators. The team will plan and organize 4 participatory workshops (2 in each country) with the research team and invited experts (academics, activists, peasants and policymakers) aiming
at evaluating progress and preliminary results.