Anastasia Oprea
Anastasia is a feminist scholar-activist, working interdisciplinary at the junction between international politics, political ecology and decoloniality. Within the JUSTFOOD project she focuses on the Romanian case study. She is a PhD candidate of the programe International Politics and Conflict Resolution, organized together by CES and the School of Economics of UC. Her thesis project investigates the transformative potential of everyday practices in European ecovillages, together with the network and alliances they form. The main query is if sustainability, understood as more social justice, has the potential to transform the ways of doing European citizenship, and the ways of understanding the political in the EU.
She was a fellow of the Center for the Study of Modernity and the Rural World - the first decolonial independent research centre in Romania located in a rural area. During her collaboration with the Center, she was part of the team organizing various editions of the internation events Telciu Summer School and Telciu Summer Conferences, as well as other educational, artistic and communitarian projects.
ORCID: 0000-0002-0405-4