Raluca Elena Dan
Raluca Dan has a long path in cooperating with several organizations and movements for social and environmental justice. Since 2003, her activity focused mainly on facilitation of and support for various rural communities opposing exploitation projects or for their rural development and delivering trainings on issues such as direct action, group dynamics and processes etc. She has a deep interest in the many forms of oppression and power struggles of the marginalized, currently working with the peasant association Eco Ruralis (www.ecoruralis.ro) as a members’ support and Right to Seeds program coordinator. Raluca is accredited as trainer of trainers and completed studies in communication.
Raluca Dan will contribute to the co-production of research by facilitating access to a network of activits and peasants involved in the socio-environmental movements in Romania. She will provide the project with a broader vision of the complex phenomenon of socio-environmental injustice. Her national and international activism has enormous relevance for the project overall objective, i.e. to broaden understandings on food justice in Europe.