Petr Jehlicka
Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK
Telephone: 0044-(0)1908-652130
E-mail: P.Jehlicka@open.ac.uk
Petr Jehlička (RNDr in Geography, Charles University, Prague; PhD in Social and Political Sciences, Cambridge University) is Senior Lecturer in Environmental Geography at The Open University in the UK. His research, with a long-term focus on East European environmentalism, was initially concerned with the unintended consequences of the import of the western ideal of civil society in post-socialist societies and the divergence this represented from state-socialist and pre-socialist alternative culture and politics. This work was published in Environment and History, Environmental Politics, Czech Sociological Review, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers and several book chapters. Later the scope of his research broadened to study the process of ‘Europeanization' of environmental governance in new EU member states. This has led to the current interest in sustainable food production and consumption, the outcome of which was published in a range of co-authored book chapters and articles in Sociologia Ruralis, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Social Indicators Research, Geoforum and Journal of Rural Studies. For open and free access to these publications please visit the Open Research Online repository at http://oro.open.ac.uk/.