Michael J. Shapiro
Department of Political Science
University of Hawai’i
Honolulu, Hawai'i 96822
phone (808) 956-8628 office
phone (808) 393-6152 cell
fax (808) 956-6877
email: shapiro@hawaii.edu
Michael Shapiro is Professor at the University of Hawai'i's Department of Political Science (Ph.D. Northwestern University in 1966). He has been a visiting professor at the University of California–Berkeley, Massachusetts, Bergen in Norway, Scoula Lorenzo de' Medici.
His expertise ranges from political psychology, critical political theories, global politics to Norwegian Oil production decision–making. His areas of work are political theory and philosophy, critical social theory, cultural studies, politics of media, indigenous politics, and critical international studies. His contribution to shaping the research agenda and methodological approaches of JustFood are crucial: Pr. Shapiro has developed internationally recognized political theory in relation to world justice (latest book on War Crimes: Atrocity, and Justice, 2015), genre and gender-performativity theories (Genre and the [Post] Communist Woman, ed. 2015) and trans-disciplinary methodologies in academia (Studies in Trans-Disciplinary Method, 2012).
His previous numerous books and articles are crucial for our research in this project, as follows: The Politics of Representation: Writing Practices in Biography, Photography, and Policy Analysis, 1988, Reading the Postmodern Polity: Political Theory as Textual Practice, 1992. Violent Cartographies: Mapping Cultures of War, 1997. Cinematic Political Thought: Narrating Race, Nation and Gender, 1999. Methods and Nations: Cultural Governance and the Indigenous Subject, 2004