aNa B
upon_the_granulous_minerals_inclined_toward_the_manger_of_time_and_we_visit_squatted_reality._it_was_an_open_portico_with_a_barefoot_frame_inviting_you_to_the_de_cim_ation_of_grammatology._here_we_sit_contemplating_the_burning _footprint_of_Yemaja
after navigating through the fog of awe you yearn for clarity contoured
by the voice of a vise
zeal of light
for you were not the landscape never were the landscape and now you burst inside in the place of smile
before we incarnated we were a lighted person of the word
in our yearning for the night of discovery
then we became a multitude with a pendulum standing and a bandage on the back
while others
presumed the innocence of the guilty
we visited the linen tongues
in the garden of tender demons
but the child dislodges all the slime
the child remains intact in the knowledge of imprecision disfigured as intrusion
the child dislodges the mud
the child turns the machine of delay deforming the faces
aNa B was born in Portugal (Beira Alta) in 1976. She is a poet, translator and researcher in the area of disability studies. Her poems have appeared in magazines and anthologies (both in Portugal and abroad). Her first poetry book, entitled As Patas Posteriores das Pulgas (The Fleas’ Front Feet), was published in 2007. A collection of visual and interactive poems (in Portuguese and English) can be found on her website at She currently lives and works in the UK.
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