Thokozani Xaba
- Phd. (candidate), Sociology, University of California, Berkeley
- 1990 - M.A. Sociology, University of California, Berkeley.
- 1988 - B.A. Political Science & Sociology (Double Major) Dartmouth College, US.
Work Experience
- 1997-1999 - Co-ordinator of Individual Projects. Centre for Science Development, Human Sciences Research Council
- 1996 - Lecturer, Quantitative Methods for Public Administration, an introduction to sampling methods, descriptive and inferential statistics for M.A students. University of Durban - Westville
- 1995 - Lecturer, Introduction to Descriptive and Inferential Statistics for 3rd year Sociology students. University of Natal - Durban
- "Masculinity and Its Malcontents: The confrontation between 'struggle masculinity' and 'post struggle masculinity' (1990-1997)", forthcoming in Morrell, R.G. Masculinity in South Africa, University of Natal Press, 2000
- "Reflections on Post-Mandela Era", Economic and Political Weekly, Vol 34, August 1999. (This article was authored with Professor Vishnu Padayachee and Mr Imraan Valodia)
- "A Disenchanted Modernity: The Accommodation of African Medicine in Contemporary South Africa", in Gathering Voices: Perspectives on the Social Sciences in Southern Africa, a publication of the International Sociological Association, 1998
- "Traditional Authorities and Land: The Position in KwaZulu-Natal", in Development Southern Africa, vol.13, no.3, June 1996. (This paper was authored with McIntosh, A., Vaughan, A. and Sibanda, S.)
- "Oppressive and Restitutive Sanctions in the Townships: The successes and failures of People's Courts", in Transformation, vol.28, 1995
- "Authority and Development: Leadership, Development and Democracy in African Urban Areas" in Here to Stay, Indicator Press, Durban, 1995.
- The Rural Local Government Question in KwaZulu-Natal: Stakeholders' Perspectives
, Regional Consultative Forum on Rural Development, Durban, 1995. (With McIntosh A., and Vaughan, A.)
Research Experience
- 1997-1998, 1998-1999 - Co-ordinator: Individual Projects, Centre for Science Development, Human Sciences Research Council
- 1993-1997 - Researcher: The Institute for Social and economic Research at the University of Durban - Westville
- September 1989-June 1990 - Researcher: The Institute of Industrial Relations at the University of California - Berkeley
- September 1988-June 1989 - Researcher: The Institute for the Study of Social Change at the University of California -Berkeley
Development Facilitation and Fieldwork
Development facilitation conducted include:
- questionnaire design, administration and fieldwork management in Freedom Square (Bloemfontein), Wiggins, Cato Crest, Old Dunbar Road (Cato Manor), Chesterville, Lamontville, the Pietermaritzburg-Durban Corridor Study, Shaka's Head and Inanda Newtown, Itete and Kwamashu.
Completed Research Projects and Reports
- "A Report on the Socio-economic Survey of the Formal and Informal Area of Itete," a report commissioned by the Dolphin Coast Transitional Local Council, May 1996.
- "The Unemployed Youth and the Demobilisation of SPUs and SDUs in Kwazulu-Natal", a report commissioned by the United Nations Development Programme, April 1996.
- "A Socio-economic Report of the Shaka's Head Informal Settlement", a report commissioned by the Dolphin Coast Transitional Local Council, September-October 1995.
- "A Report on the Evaluation of the Upgrade Programme in Freedom and Namibia Squares - Bloemfontein", a report commissioned by the Urban Foundation, June 1995.
- "A Report on the Socio-economic Survey of the Informal Area of Cato Crest in Cato Manor", a report commissioned by the Cato Manor Development Association, February 1995. With Makhathini, M.
- "A Report on the Socio-economic Survey of Old Dunbar Road", a report commissioned by the Cato Manor Development Association, August 1995. With Makhathini, M.
- "A Report on the Socio-economic Survey of Lamontville", a report commissioned by the Community and Urban Services Support Project, November 1995. With Makhathini, M.
- "From Social Compacts to Community Action Planning: Whither community Participation?", a report on the workshop on the 'community action planning' method of community participation in development which was presented in Ipelegeng (Schweizer-Reneke)
- Institutional Change in Rural Finance Markets: Small and Micro Enterprises in KwaZulu-Natal (1995-1996) A report for the Development Bank of Southern Africa. With Makhathini, M., Sapsford, P. and Vaughan, A.
- "A Report on the Socio-economic Parameters of the Informal Area of Wiggins in Cato Manor", a report commissioned by the Cato Manor Development Association, November 1994. With Makhathini, M.
- "Housing, Employment, Education and Income in Chesterville: A Report on the Socio-economic Survey of the Chesterville Population", a report commissioned by the Community and Urban Services Support Project, September 1994. With Makhathini, M.
- Rural Local Government in KwaZulu-Natal (1994-1995). A Report for the Rural Consultative Forum on Rural Development and the Development Bank of Southern Africa. With McIntosh, A. and Vaughan, A.
- Land Reform Research Project (1994-1995). A report for the Land and Agriculture Policy Centre.