Peter Waterman
Bibliography (2000- )
Books, Edited Collections
- Waterman, Peter and Ronaldo Munck (eds). 2000. Labour Worldwide in the Era of Globalization: Alternatives for Trade Unionism in the New World Order. Seoul (in Korean).
- Waterman, Peter (ed). 2001. ‘Labour Rights in the Global Economy’, Working USA (Guest-Edited Special Issue), Vol. 5, No. 1, Summer. Pp. 9-86.
- Waterman, Peter and Jane Wills (eds). 2001. ‘Space, Place and the New Labour Internationalisms’, Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 305-592.
- Waterman, Peter. Globalisation, Social Movements and the New Internationalisms. London/Washington: Continuum. 320 pp. (Paperback Edition, New Preface).
- Waterman, Peter and Jane Wills (eds). Place, Space and the New Labour Internationalisms. Oxford: Blackwell. 300 pp.
Articles, Chapters, Working Papers, Etc
- Waterman, Peter. 2000. ‘Exports and Imports: Civil Society and Globalisation’ (Review of Kees Biekart, ‘The Politics of Civil Society Building: European Private Aid Agencies and Democratic Transitions in Central America’), Biblio: A New Delhi Review of Books, May-June, pp. 22-3.
- Waterman, Peter. 2000. ‘From an International Union Congress to an International Labour Dialogue: An Exchange between Peter Waterman, Global Solidarity Dialogue/Dialogo Solidaridad Global, and Bill Jordan, General Secretary of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions. www.antenna.nl/~waterman/.
- Waterman, Peter. 2000. ‘Is it Possible to Build Utopia in One Country?’ (Review of Leo Panitch and Colin Leys (eds), 'Socialist Register 2000'), Biblio: A New Delhi Review of Books, March-April, pp. 37-8.
- Waterman, Peter. 2000. 'Den proletariske internationalismes geopstaen?' (The Revival of Proletarian Internationalism?). Den Ny Verden (Copenhagen).
- Waterman, Peter. 2001. ‘Capitalist Trade Privileges and Social Labour Rights’, Working USA (Peter Waterman, Guest-Edited Special Issue: ‘Labour Rights in the Global Economy), Vol. 5, No. 1, Summer. Pp. 70-86.
- Waterman, Peter. 2001. ‘Globalization from Below: The Power of Solidarity’ (Review of Jeremy Brecher, Tim Costello and Brendan Smith, Globalisation from Below), Working USA, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 142-8.
- Waterman, Peter. 2001. ‘Post-Communist Manifesto’ (Review of Jeremy Brecher, Tim Costello and Brendan Smith, Globalisation from Below), Biblio: A New Delhi Review of Books, Vol 6, Nos. 5-6, pp. 17-18.
- Waterman, Peter. 2001. ‘Sobre la exportación e importación de la sociedad civil en tiempos de globalización’, (On the Import and Export of Civil Society in Times of Globalisation) (Prize-winning essay in annual competition) Nueva Sociedad (Caracas), No. 171, pp. 120-31.
- Waterman, Peter. 2001. ‘The Problematic Past and Uncertain Future of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions’, International Labour and Working Class History. Vol. 59, Spring, pp. 125-32.
- Waterman, Peter. 2001. ‘Trade Union Internationalism in the Age of Seattle’, in Peter Waterman and Jane Wills (eds), ‘Place, Space and the New Internationalisms’, Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, Vol. 33, No 1, pp. 312-36.
- Waterman, Peter. 2001. ‘Will US Hegemony Be Sustained’ (in Korean), Solidarity for Social Progress (Seoul), Nos. 1-2, pp.17-23.
- Waterman, Peter. ‘In Memoriam: Arvind Das and the Working Classes in India, Biblio: A Review of Books (New Delhi). Vol. 6, Nos 7-8. Pp. 38-9.
- Waterman, Peter. 2001. ‘Nueve reflexiones sobre un internacionalismo de comunicación en la era de Seattle’ (Nine Reflections on an Internationalism of Communication in the Era of Seattle’, in Iván Rodrigo Mendizábal and Leonela Cucurella (eds), Communicación en el tercer milenio: Nuevos scenarios y tendencias. Quito: Abya Yala. Pp. 247-65.
- Waterman, Peter. ‘Trade Union Internationalism in the Age of Seattle’, in Peter Waterman and Jane Wills (eds). Place, Space and the New Internationalisms. Oxford: Blackwells.
- Waterman, Peter. ‘The New Global Solidarity Is Already Not What it Used to Be’ (Preface), in Globalisation, Social Movements and the New Internationalisms. London/Washington: Continuum. 320 pp. 12 pp.
- Waterman, Peter and Jane Wills. ‘Introduction: Space, Place and the New Labour Internationalisms: Beyond the Fragments’, in Peter Waterman and Jane Wills (eds). Place, Space and the New Internationalisms. Oxford: Blackwells.
Articles, chapters, working papers
- Waterman, Peter. ‘Learning to Talk across Difference in an Interconnected World of Labour: The Bangkok 2001 Roundtable of Trade Unions, Social Movements and NGOs on Labour and Globalisation’. Global Solidarity Dialogue, The Hague. August 2001. 44 pp.
- Waterman, Peter. ‘16 Propositions on Inter/national/ist Labour (and Other?) Net/working’. Background Paper for Panel at Conference of the Global Studies Association, Manchester, July 2-4, 2001. 22 pp.
- Waterman, Peter. ‘Six Propositions for a Panel on Inter/national/ist Labour Net/working’, Panel on Internationalist Labour Networking, Conference of the Global Studies Association, Manchester Metropolitan University, July 2-4, 2001. 2 pp.
- Waterman, Peter. ‘Placing Labour Internationalism on the Right Map’. (review of Michael E. Gordon and Lowell Turner (eds). 2000. Transnational Cooperation among Labor Unions. Ithaca and London: ILR Press. 310 pp.). International Labor and Working Class History. No. 61, 2002.
- Waterman, Peter. 'The New Global Solidarity: Reflections on the Internationalism that Dare Not Speak its Name (Yet)'. August 2001. 10 pp.
- Waterman, Peter. 'Re-inventing the South African Labour Movement: Making the Desirable Possible'. South African Labour Bulletin.
- Waterman, Peter. 'On Problems of Strategy, Structure, Process and Relationships in Rethinking Union Internationalism in the Era of Globalisation' (A Response of Mike Wagthorne, Deputy General Secretary, Public Services International). 5 pp.
Projects 2001-2
- Waterman, Peter. ‘Not Your Father’s Trade Union Internationalism!, International Labour Organisations, Global Social Movements and the New Global Solidarity’.
[A collection of personal contributions to international labour’s millennial dialogue. C. 300 pp. To be published in 2002 simultaneously as a paperback at c. $25 and an e-book at c.$8.]
- Waterman, Peter. ‘Emancipating Labour Internationalism, Starting from the Here and Now', 10,000-word Overview Essay, for Boaventura de Sousa Santos.
[Contribution to the project, ‘Reinventing Social Emancipation’, funded by the MacArthur Foundation].