Maria da Conceição Osório
- Training and supervision of gender area young researchers
- Research in the gender area, law administration, education and teaching
- Consultoncies and trainind in education sector
- Train of teachers to write appropriate pupil learning curricula materials for secondary education
- Supervision to the pedagogic support to Secondary Education
- Capacity of staff for secondary education at national level
- Teaching "Methods and Techiques for Research in the Social Sciences" at Eduardo Mondlane University
- 1988 - Master in Sociology, Jussieu University. Paris VII.
- 1971 - Postgraduate in Pedagogic Sciences, Oporto University. Portugal.
- 1971 - Master in History, Oporto University, Portugal.
- 1968 - B.A in History. Oporto University. Portugal.
Work history
- 1999-to date: Professor at Eduardo Mondlane University.
- 1994-to date:Professor and Head of Department of Sociology at UFICS, Eduardo Mondlane University.
- 1990-to date: Associated Researcher at the Centro de Estudos Africanos, of the Eduardo Mondlane University.
- 1990-to date: Researcher in the " Women Law in South Africa" project, based in Zimbabwe.
- 1996-to date: Lead Consultant (Sociology of Education) INDE, Mozambique.
- 1992-1994: Pedagogic Director at Faculty of Economics, in the framework of the project " Capacity Building ", funded by The World Bank.
- 1981-1987: Teacher at Faculty of Economicas, in the Eduardo Mondlane University.
- 1976-1981: National Team Leader of Commission for Pedagogical Support to the Secondary Education, in the Ministry of Education.
- 1971- 1976: Teacher of History in the Secondary Education, in Mozambique.
- Member of the Central Committe for Cucurricular Reform in the Eduardo Mondlane University (1999-to date).
- Participation in the I Congress Families Without Violence, in Florianópolis, Brasil (1999) with the presentation of the following papers: "The old people: the widows in Mozambique"; "Research network and action on women situation in Mozambique"
- Consultant for the research in the project "The Old People: a gender perspective" to be carried out at UFICS, U.E.M, sponsored by SAREC (19999 to date).
- Coordenator and senior researcher in the "Women and Politic Power in Mozambique", sponsored by SAREC , (1999 to date).
- Participation and elaboration of a research on "Women and Autarquias, in Maputo, Nampula, Sofala, and Cabo Delgado (April 98 - August 99), sponsored by NORAD.
- Participation as Member Scientific Council of the Luso-Afro-Brasilian Congress of Social Sciences, held in Maputo, September 1998, and presentation of the papers: "Justice Delivery System or Unjustice Delivery System? A gender perspective"; "Curricular Reform of Basic Education in Mozambique".
- Leardeship of the National Workshop on Curricular Reform, held at INDE (Instituto de Desenvolvimento Da Educação), sponsored by The World Bank (1997).
- Training of History Teachears for Basic Education, mainly for utilization of learning materials. Sponsored by UNICEF. (Chimoio, 1997).
- National Consultant for Training Sociology staff team of INDE (Instituto de Desenvolvimento da Educação), sponsored by ASDI (1996 -to date).
- Participation in "Women And Law in South Africa Research Trust (WLSA)", a research-action held in Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Suaziland, Lesotho, Botswana and Malawi, for which the following was done: review of literature; participation in the elaboration of 5 main research reports in the field work for Gaza, Nampula and Maputo; participation in 5 annual regional meetings. Sponsored by DANIDA (1990-to date).
- Participation in the discussion and design of General Education Subsystem, in the framework of the National Education System (1980-1981).
- Coordination and support to Secondary Education teachers and students in the Ministry of Education (1976-1981).
- Coordination of the pedagogical structures organization in the secondary schools at national level and their insertion in the community life (1976-1981).
- Training for Provincial pedagogical leaders, aiming the coordination of the global pedagogical action at schools and the aplication of classes programatic contents (1976-1981).
- Coordination of Secondary Education Teachers Training for the design of classes programatic contents and teaching methods (1976-1981).
- Coordination and direction of the process of elaboration of learning support materials (1976-1981).
- (co-author) Mulher e Autarquia (C.E.A.- Norad) (to be published in November 1999)
- (co-author) Family Forms and access to resources and control, Imprensa Universitária, Maputo (published in English and in Portuguese).
- Family and Education: conflicts and complementarities.
Gender Relation and complementarities in: Education, Health and Labor and Developement, Faculdade de Letras, Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, ed. Imprensa Universitária, Maputo.
- Violence Against the Girl and Feminine Identity Construction
, ed. Muleide, Maputo (published in English and in Portuguese).
- (co- author) Paving a way forward, a review and research primer of WLSA research methodologies, Harare, ed. B.P.
- "Literature Review, report about food rights in Mozambique", in Estudos Moçambicanos, ed. C.E.A.
- "National Unity and the History Teaching in Mozambique", in Mozambique, 16 years of Historiography: focus, problems, methodologies, chalendges for the 90 decade, vol .I, col., Painel Moçambicano, ed C.E.A., Maputo.