Alberto Eduardo da Silva e Melo
Academic Background
- 1958-1963 - Degree in Law, University of Lisbon;
- 1969-1971 - Postgraduate Diploma in Adult Education, University of Manchester
Professional career
- 1998-1999 - head of the task force for the development of adult learning, Departments of Education and of Labour and Solidarity, Lisbon; advisor at the Presidency of the University of the Algarve, Faro;
- 1993-1997 - advisor at the Presidency of the University of the Algarve; Faro;
- 1984-1992 - professor at the Polytechnic Institute of the Algarve; Faro;
- 1981-1983 - professor (grade A) at the University of Paris IX;
- 1980 - visiting professor at the University of Southampton;
- 1976-1979 - cultural counsellor at the Portuguese Permanent Delegation at UNESCO, Paris;
- 1975-1976: director-general for lifelong education, Department of Education, Lisbon;
- 1974-1975 - civil servant at the Department of Education, Lisbon;
- 1972-1974 - researcher and tutor at the Faculty of Educational Studies, The Open
- 1965-1969 - full-time consultant at OECD, Paris, in educational and training policies;
- University, Milton Keynes, England;
- 1963-1964 - typist;
- 1961-1962 -proofreader;
Main parallel activities
- occasional consultant missions for international institutions (UNESCO, OECD, European Council, International Bureau of Education, UNESCO Institute of Education, International Labour Office, European Commission;
- director of RADIAL -social and educational action in the Algarvian inland (1985-1994);
- chairman of IN LOCO - a non-profit making organisation aiming at the sustainable integrated development of rural Southern Portugal (1988-1998);
- consultant for rural areas within the (EC/DG.V) LEDA Programme Network (1986-1995);
- consultant for OECD on Local Employment Initiatives (1990-1991); trainer of local development agents (JADE project, 1987-1989);
- director of the Portuguese Magazine on local development, A REDE (since 1987); director of the local monthly newspaper "Jornal da Serra" (1992-1999);
- member of the steering committee of ANIMAR, a nationwide network for local development (since 1993);
- member of the organising committee of MANIFESTA, bi-annual Assembly and Fair of local development in Portugal (1994, 1996, 1998, 2001);
- member of the coordinating group of the Delphi project on adult education, University of Minho (1993-1994);
- member of expert panels that assisted DG. V and DG. XVI in the selection of innovative projects, under ESF art. 6 and ERF art. 10 (1994, 1996);
- head of the coordinating team of the TASC network, an European network of local partnerships for social and economic solidarity (EC/DG. V);
- national tutor for the European Certificate on Cultural Project Management, Marcel Hicter Foundation, Brussels; head of the working group in charge of drafting a strategy document on adult learning (1997);
- vice-president of the Management Board of AEIDL (European association for information on local development, Brussels) (since 1999).
Research and publications on the following subjects
education and training for local development; integrated rural development; adult education; lifelong education; migrant cultures; multicultural education; literacy; popular education; civic education; school and community; open educational systems; active policies for employment; sociology of education; cultural anthropology; economy of education; social control of science and technology; local development and global economy; culture and development.
Work languages
Portuguese, English, French - written, spoken, understood; Spanish - spoken, understood; Italian: understood
Countries of residence
Portugal (1941-1963; 1974-1976; since 1984); France (1964-1969; 1977-1979; 1981-1983); England (1970-1974; 1980).
Countries visited for professional reasons
Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Ireland, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Greece, Malta, Cyprus,. Germany, Czechoslovakia, Kenya, Brazil, Canada, Mozambique, Angola.