Institutions |
- Centre for Development Studies
T. M. Thomas Isaac
Personal Data:
- Date of Birth: 26 September, 1952
- Place of Birth: Kodungallur, Thrissur, Kerala
- Citizenship: Indian
- 1985 Ph.D., Economics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Thesis Title: Class struggle and industrial structure: a study of coir weaving industry in Kerala, 1859-1980.
- 1978 M. Phil., Economics Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
- 1977 M. A., Economics University of Kerala, Trivandrum
- 1974 B. A., Economics University of Kerala, Trivandrum
Research Experience
- Associate Fellow at Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum
- Research Associate at Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum
Articles and Book Chapters
- E. M. S. Namboodiripad: revolutionary intellectual. I. S. Gulati and T. M. Thomas Isaac. Economic and Political Weekly 33(13):689-92. 28 March.
- From antifeudalism to sustainable development: the Kerala People’s Science Movement. (with Richard W. Franke and M. P. Parameswaran) Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 29(3):34-44.
- Kerala: towards a new agenda. With Michael P. K. Tharakan. Economic and Political Weekly 30(31-32):1993-2004. 5-12 August.
- Planning for empowerment: people’s campaign for decentralised planning in Kerala. Economic and Political Weekly 32(1-2):53-58.
- Economic consequences of the Gulf crisis -
a study of India with special referencence to Kerala. In Piyasiri Wickramasekara, ed., The Gulf crisis and South Asia: studies on the economic impact. New Delhi: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Asian Regional Team for Employment Promotion (ARTEP).
- Kerala elections 1991: lessons and nonlessons. With S. Mohana Kumar. Economic and Political Weekly XXVI(9):2691-2704. November 23.
- The trend and pattern of external trade of Kerala. In Prakash, B. A., ed. Kerala’s economy: performance, problems, prospects. New Delhi: Sage Publications. Pp. 368-93.
- The national movement and the Communist Party in Kerala. Social Scientist. September.
- From caste consciousness to class consciousness: Alleppey coir workers during the inter-war period. Economic and Political Weekly XX(4):5-18..
- Nature and evolution of multinational enterprises (Malayalam). Bhopal genocide. Trivandrum: Chinta Publishers.
- Towards an appropriate industrial policy for Kerala (Malayalam). In Development perspectives on Kerala. Trivandrum: Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishad.
- Class struggle and industrial structure: some conclusions of a study on coir industry in Kerala. Social Scientist. December,.
- Working class hegemony and working class party experiences and lessons of Alleppey, (Malayalam). Indian independence struggle and the communist movement. Trivandrum: Chinta Publishers.
- Class struggle and structural change in coir mat and mattings industry in Kerala 1950-1980. Economic and Political Weekly XVII(31).
Working Papers
- Report on the Survey of educated unemployed in Kerala. With Chandan Mukharjee. Report submitted to the Planning Commission.
- Estimates of external trade flows of Kerala, 1975-76 and 1980-81. With Ram Manohar Reddy. Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies. Working Paper No. 246. March.
- Regional terms of trade for the state of Kerala. With Ram Manohar Reddy and Nata Duvvury. Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies. Working Paper No. 247. March.
- Evolution of organizations of production in coir yarn spinning industry. Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies. Working Paper No. 236.
- A policy framework for revitalisation of coir industry in Kerala. With Pyaralal Raghavan. Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies. Working Paper No.240.
- Evolution of organisation of production in coir yarn spinning industry. Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies. Working Paper No.236.
- Balance of trade, remittances and net capital flow: an analysis of economic development in Kerala since independence. With Ram Manohar Reddy and Nata Duvvury. Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies. Working paper No.250.
- Sree Narayana movement in Travancore, 1938-39: a study of the social basis of ideological reproduction. Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies. Working Paper No.215.
- Historical roots of industrial backwardness of Kerala -
a Study of Travancore region (with P. K. Michael Tharakan. Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies. Working Paper No. 216.
- Class struggle and structural change in coir mat and matting industry. Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies. Working Paper No.142.
- Some notes on possibilities of decentralised development in Kerala (with K.N. Raj et.al.). Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies , Working Paper No. 106.
Books in English
- Democracy at work in an Indian industrial cooperative: the story of Kerala Dinesh Beedi. With Richard W. Franke and Pyaralal Raghavan. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
- Kalliasseri experiment in local level planning. With P. V. Unnikrishnan, T. Gangadharan, Sreekumar Chathopadhya, Lalitha Bhai Sathyan, and Ajay Kumar Varma. Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies. Monograph Series: Kerala Research Programme on Local Level Development.
- Modernisation and employment: the coir industry in Kerala. With R. A. Van Stuijvenberg and K. N. Nair. Indo-Dutch Studies on Development Alternatives 10. New Delhi: Sage Publications.
Books in Malayalam
- The withering coconut. Trivandrum: Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishad..
- Political economy of poverty. Trivandrum: Chinta Publishers.
- Economic crisis in the capitalist world. Trivandrum: Chinta Publishers.
- ABC of political economy. Trivandrum: Chinta Publishers.
- The World Bank and IMF. Trivandrum: Social Scientist Press.
- Kerala: land and man. Trivandrum: Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishad.
- Science for social revolution: the experience of Kerala. Trivandrum: Sastra Sahitya Parishad.
Papers and Invited Lectures
- A review of self-employment programme for the educated unemploved in Kerala. Presented jointly with Chandan Mukherjee at the workshop on Employment and Unemployment trends in Kerala with special Reference to Eighth Plan. Organized by State Planning Board and Centre For Development Studies at Trivandrum.
- Workers remittances from India -
a country report. Presented with Nata Duvvury, at the South Asian Sub Regional Seminar on Migrant Remittance and Development in South Asia, organized by I.L.O. - A.R.T.E.P. Colombo 3-5 August.
- Nine observations on educated unemployed in Kerala. Presented with Chandan Mukherjee at the International Congress on Kerala Studies. Trivandrum: A.K.G.Centre for Research and Studies. August.
- Planning for empowerment: the people’s campaign for decentralised planning in Kerala. Paper presented at the International Conference on Kerala’s Development: National and International Dimensions. New Delhi: Institute of Social Sciences. With K. N. Harilal.
- Decentralized planning in Kerala. Montclair State University Faculty Seminar. 10 November.
- Decentralized planning in Kerala. Drew University Economics Forum. 16 November.
- Decentralized planning in Kerala. Columbia University South Asian Institute Seminar. 4 December.
- Decentralised planning: the Kerala experience. Presented at Conference on Decentralized Planning. Calcutta. 4 January.
- Gender and decentralised planning: the experience of people’s campaign. With T. N. Seema, Binitha Thampy, and Margaret Antony. Presented at the Faculty Seminar, Centre for Development Studies. Thiruvananthapuram. 22 July.
Teaching Experience
- Courses taught during the last five years at the Centre for Development Studies
- Poverty, unemployment and income distribution.
- Trends in population, labour force and occupational structure
- Growth and long distance trade, transportation and manufacturing in independent India.
Areas of Specialisation
- Political economy of Kerala
- Labour history of Kerala
- Problems of formation of industrial organisation, agrarian structures and social movements.
Government and Nonprofit Organization Positions Held
- Member of Kerala State Planning Board, 1996-1999.
- Secretary of Academic Committee, International Congress on Kerala Studies, 1994.
- Chairman of Special Task Force, Coir Industry, Kerala State Planning Board, Trivandrum.
- Member of Executive Committee and Governing Body, Centre for Earth Sciences, Trivandrum 1987-1991.
- Member of Advisory Board, Kerala State Gazateer, Trivandrum, 1987-1991.
- Member of Research Advisory Committee, Integrated Rural Technology Centre, Palghat, 1987-1995.
- Member of Executive Committee, Kerala Sastra Sahithya Parishad, Trivandrum
- Member of Steering Committee on Decentralised Planning and Planning for Rural Development, Kerala State Planning Board, Trivandrum 1988-1990.
- Member of Steering Comniittee on Industry and Mining, Kerala State Planning Board, Trivandrum 1988-1990.
- Prof. N. Krishnaji, Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Nizamia Observatory Campus, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.
- Prof. K.N. Raj, Centre for Development Studies, Ulloor, Trivandrum, Kerala 695011.