Boaventura de Sousa Santos
- 1969-73 -Yale University. LL. M. 1970, J.S.D. 1973 (Sociology of Law).
- 1963-64 - Free University, W. Berlin. Post-graduate studies in philosophy of law.
- 1958-63 - University of Coimbra, Law School. Law degree 1963 (Licenciatura).
Professional activities
- Since 1987 - Full Professor of the School of Economics, University of Coimbra, Department of Sociology
- Since 1985
Director of the Documentation Center of the Revolution of April 25th, 1974, University of Coimbra
- Since 1982 -
Visiting Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Since 1978 -
Director of the Centro de Estudos Sociais (Center of Social Studies), School of Economics, University of Coimbra
- Since 1972 -
Visiting Professor at: London School of Economics, University of São Paulo, Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Universidad de Los Andes (Bogotá), CIDOC (Mexico), ISCTE (Lisboa)
Honors and Research
- 1999-2001
- Director of the research project on Reinventing Social Emancipation: Exploring the Possibilities of Counter-Hegemonic Globalization. Involving six countries: Portugal Brazil, Colombia, India, Mozambique and South Africa. Funded by MacArthur Foundation (the project in Portugal has been funded by the Gulbenkian Foundation).
- 1996-1999
- Director of the Observatory of the Justice System, funded by the Ministry of Justice.
- 1996-1999
- Director of the research project The Impact of Globalization on the social and cultural identities in Portugal, funded by the Gulbenkian Foundation.
- 1996-1999
- Director of the research project Nation-Building, Legal Pluralism, and Judicial Reform in Mozambique. With Mozambican jurists and social scientists of the Center of African Studies of Eduardo Mondlane University of Maputo. Funded by the Institute of Cooperation of the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- 1995-1998
- Co-Director of the research project Law, Judicial System and Democracy in Colombia. With Colombian jurists, sociologists, economists and anthropologists. Funded by Colciencias (Colombian Agency for the Promotion of Scientific Research).
- 1995-1999
- Director of the research project The Impact of Globalization in Semiperipheral Societies: The Case of Portugal. Funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology. Seventy five researchers involved (from different disciplines and affiliated to several Portuguese and Brazilian Universities).
- 1994-1996
- Director of the research project Justice Delays in Complex Cases. Funded by the Ministry of Justice.
- 1994-1996
- Director of the research project The Value of Life in the Portuguese Courts. Funded by the Ministry of Justice.
- 1993-1997
- Director of the research project The State and the civil society: The creation of social actors in a period of State reconstruction. Funded by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (J.N.I.C.T.)
- 1991-1994
- Director of the research project The Court System in Portuguese Society: A Sociological Analysis. Funded by Ministry of Justice.
- 1988-1991
- Director of the research project State Economy and Society in the Semiperiphery of the World System: the Portuguese Case, funded by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (J.N.I.C.T.). Twenty two researchers from different disciplines involved.
- 1984-1985
- Research project Popular Justice in Cape Verde sponsored by the Ministry of Justice of Republic of Cape Verde.
- 1983-1985
- Research project State, Law and Social Transformation: Changes and Continuities in Portuguese Production Systems. Funded by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (J.N.I.C.T.).
- 1982-1983
- Scientific Adviser to the research project Breastfeeding Patterns sponsored by World Health Organization and the Pediatrics Hospital of Coimbra.
- 1980-1982
- Director of the research project Recent Transformation of Land Tenure in Mondego River Valley.
- 1980
- Scientific Consultant to the research project Urban Conflicts in Great Recife, Federal University of Recife (Brazil).
- 1979
- Adviser of the Minister of Justice of the People's Republic of Angola: technical assistance in the organization of the Nationwide Popular Justice System.
- 1977
- Research Fellow, Max-Planck Institut zur Erforschung der Lebensbedingungen in der Wissenschaftlich-technischen Welt, Starnberg, W. Germany. Research on Sociology of Science and Science Policy.
- 1977
- Research Fellow, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton. Research on Sociology of Development.
- 1970-1973
- Law and Modernization Fellow, Yale Law School.
- 1970
- American Council of Learned Societies Fellow, Yale Law School.
- 1966
- Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Fellow, Max-Planck Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Strafrecht, Freiburg, RFA.
- 1966-69
- Research Fellow, Comparative Law Center, Coimbra Law School.
Other professional activities
- Since 1978 -
Director of the Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais
- Since 1979
- Member of the Editorial board or of the Advisory board of the following journals (for specific periods): Contemporary Crisis; Análise Psicológica; Journal of Legal Pluralism; Law and Society Review; Droit et Société; Revista de Ciência Política; Journal of Law and Society; Latin American Perspectives; Finisterra; Novos Desafios; Studies in Law; Politics and Society; Sociologia del Diritto; Law and Society Institute; Cambridge Studies in Law and Society; Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez; European Journal of Social Theory; Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies; Identities; Revista do Instituto de Estudos Avançados (University of São Paulo - Brazil)
- 1996
- Member of a Steering Committee for the Evaluation of institutions of Higher
- Learning - Ministry of Education (Portugal)
- 1996
- President of the Civic Association PRO URBE, (Coimbra).
- 1996-1999
- Member of the National Council for Culture. Ministry of Culture (Portugal).
- 1996-1998
- Member of the White Book Commission of Social Security (Portugal).- 1995
- Consultant of the United Nations Development Program (Office of Evaluation and Strategic Planning). Consultancy on the trends of globalization.
- 1994
- Member of the Program Committee of the XIII World Congress of Sociology (Bielefeld, West Germany).
- 1992-1998
- Research fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research.
- 1990-1994
- Vice-President of the Board of the Research Committee on Sociology of Law of the International Sociological Association.
- 1990-1993
- Consultant of the Interaction Council (former heads of Government).
- 1990
- Chairperson of Sessions 7 and 8 of the RC12 at XII World Congress of Sociology (Madrid, Spain). Both Sessions on State Transformation, Legal Pluralism and Community Justice.
- 1990
- Discussant of the Joint Session with RC12, RC26 and RC29 at XII World Congress of Sociology (Madrid, Spain).
- 1990
- Coordinator of the organizing committee of the First Portuguese-African-Brazilian Congress for Social Sciences.
- 1989-1990
- President of the Committee for the Portuguese Language of the Worldwide Competition for Young Sociologists organized by the International Sociological Association.
- 1988-1989
- Chairperson of the Advisory Council of the Portuguese Sociological Association.
- 1988
- Advisory Board of Institute for Development Studies (Lisbon).
- 1987-1990
- Advisory Board of the Zentrum für Europaische Rechtspolitik, West Germany.
- 1986-1990
- Board of the Research Committee on Sociology of Law of the International Sociological Association.
- 1986
- Advisory Board, National Science Foundation (USA).
- 1985
- Co-Founder of the Portuguese Sociological Association.
- 1985-1986
- Advisory Board, Volkswagen Foundation, West Germany.
- 1984
- Coordinator of the organizing committee of the Congress Portugal - Ten Years of Social Transformation. Coimbra University.
- 1984
- Member of the Advisory Board of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research.
- 1979-1986
- Chairperson of the Scientific Council of the School of Economics of Coimbra University.
- 1976-1977
- Steering Committee of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control.
- 1974-1978
- Dean of the School of Economics of Coimbra University.
Publications (1988-july 1999)
- "The Gatt of Law and Democracy: (Mis)Trusting the Global Reform of Courts", Oñati Papers, 7, 49-86. Also published in Jane Jenson and Boaventura de Sousa Santos (eds.) Globalizing Institutions: Case Studies In Regulation And Innovation. Aldershot: Ashgate (forthcoming)
- "Presupuestación Participativa: Hacia una Democracia Redistributiva", Ruralter, 16/17.
- "On Oppositional Postmodernism", in Ronald Munck & Denis O'Hearn (org.) Critical Development Theory, London and New York: Zed Books. Also published in Latin American Perspectives (forthcoming)
- "O rendimento familiar gera justiça social", Seara Nova, 63.
- (With Maria Bento, Maldonado Gonelha, Alfredo Bruto da Costa) Uma visão solidária da reforma da Segurança Social, União das Mutualidades Portuguesas, Centro de Estudos Sociais.
- La globalización del derecho: los nuevos caminos de la regulación y la emancipación
, Bogota, ILSA, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
- (With Conceição Gomes) Macau: O Pequeníssimo Dragão. Porto, Afrontamento.
- "Reinventar a democracia: entre o pré-contratualismo e o pós-contratualismo", Oficina do CES, 107. Also published in Francisco de Oliveira e Maria Célia Paoli (Orgs.) Os sentidos da democracia - Políticas do dissenso e hegemonia global, São Paulo, Editora Vozes, FAPESP and NEDIC, pp. 83-129.
- "Time, Baroque Codes, and Canonization", Oficina do CES, 108. Also published in Cultural Values, 2(2/3), 1998, 403-420, in Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 51, 1998.
- "Why is it so Difficult to Construct a Critical Theory?, in Ana Nunes de Almeida (ed.), Terra Nostra: Challenges, Controversies and Languages for Sociology and the Social Sciences in the 21st Century, ISA Regional Conferences, Montreal: ISA, 1998. Also published in Spanish in Zona Abierta, 82-83, 1998.
- "Moeda Única: Europeização ou Crioulização Monetária?", Notas Económicas, 10
- "Oppositional Postmodernism and Globalizations", Law and Social Inquiry, 23(1), 1998.
- (With Sílvia Ferreira) "Para uma reforma solidária da Segurança Social", Sociedade e Trabalho, Special issue on Social Security, May 1998.
- Reinventar a Democracia
, Lisboa, Gradiva. Also published in Spanish by Sequitur (1999).
- "Why We Can’t Afford to be Innocent", Identities, 4(3-4), 529-533
- (With Sílvia Ferreira) "Uma reforma realista da Segurança Social", Communio, Revista Internacional Católica, 4, 373-377
- "Participatory Budgeting in Porto Alegre: Toward a Redistributive Democracy", Politics & Society, 26(4). Also published in Ruralter, 16/17.
- "Pluralismo jurídico, escalas y bifurcación", Conflicto y Contexto, Instituto SER de Investigaciones, Colombia.
- "Epistemología y Feminismo", Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana, Ano 2(2).
- Pulsar da Revolução
: Cronologia do 25 de Abril de 1974. A chronology of the Portuguese Revolution of the 25th of April 1974, prepared by the Documentation Center of the 25th of April, University of Coimbra. Co-author. Porto, Afrontamento.
- "Plurialismo jurídico y Jurisdicción Especial Indígena", "Del Olvido Surgimos para Traer Nuevas Esperanzas" - La Jurisdicción Especial Indígena, Ministerio de Justicia y del Derecho, Bogotá, Colômbia.
- (With Sílvia Ferreira), "Para uma Reforma Solidária da Segurança Social", Processo Zero - Número Especial 20 Anos, Dezembro - Centro Nacional de Pensões, Lisboa.
- "Os tribunais nas sociedades contemporâneas", Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais (ANPOCS), 1996. Also published in Spanish in Bogotá Law School Journal.
- "Florestan: um sociólogo comprometido com seu tempo", Revista de Estudos Avançados, 26, 17-22.
- "Para uma Pedagogia do Conflito" in Luis Heron da Silva et al, Novos Mapas Culturais, Novas Perspectivas Educacionais, Porto Alegre, Editora Sulina
- Os tribunais nas sociedades contemporâneas: O caso português
, Porto, Afrontamento. Co-author. Gulbenkian Foundation Prize for the Social Sciences 1996.
- (With Maria Manuel Leitão Marques and João Pedroso) "O sistema penal em Portugal: um mapa de bloqueios", Revista do Ministério Público, 66. Also published in Revista de Ciências Sociais, 3(1), 1997.
- (With Maria Manuel Leitão Marques and João Pedroso) "O que se pune em Portugal", Sub-Júdice, 11.
- "Toward a multicultural conception of human rights". Working Paper Series on Political Economy of Legal Change, 2, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Also published in Lua Nova, 39, 1997; in Droit et Société, 35, 1997; in Zeitschrift für Rechtsoziologie, 1, 1997; in Sociologia del diritto, 1, 1997; in Análisis Político, 31, 1997; Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 48, 1997; Uto?ías, 178(3), 1998.
- "The Fall of the Angelus Novus: Beyond the Modern Game of Roots and Options". Working Paper Series on Political Economy of Legal Change, 3, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Also published in Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 45, 1996; in Novos Estudos CEBRAP, 1997; in Current Sociology, 46(2), 1998, 81-118; in Revista Mexicana de Sociologia, 2, 1999.
- "Introducción a una ciencia posmoderma", Colección Estudios Avanzados 3, Centro de Investigaciones Postdoctorales (Cipost), Comisión de Estudios de Postgrado, Caracas.
- "La transnacionalización del campo legal", El Nuevo Orden Global: Dimensiones y Perspectivas, Santafé de Bogotá.
- "Diversidades étnicas, culturais e democracia", Reflexão Cristã, 3.
- "Uma cartografia simbólica das representações sociais: Prolegómenos a uma concepção pós-moderna do direito", Revista Brasileira de Ciências Criminais, 13, 253-277.
- (With Maria Manuel Leitão Marques and João Pedroso) "Da microeconomia à micro-sociologia da tutela judicial", Revista Justiça e Democracia, 1, 65-92.
- "As ruínas emergentes da modernidade e a pós-modernidade", Revista Plural, 3, 135-152.
- (With Maria Manuel Leitão Marques, João Pedroso and Pedro Lopes Ferreira) Os tribunais na sociedade portuguesa. University of Coimbra, Centro de Estudos Sociais. Research report in 5 volumes.
- "Teses para a renovação do sindicalismo em Portugal, seguidas de um apelo", Vértice, 68,132-139.
- "Pela reinvenção da pequena agricultura: A necessidade de um novo pensamento técnico", 20 Valores do Mundo Rural, 18-20. Co-author.
- Report on the Globalization process prepared for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
- Toward a New Common Sense: Law, Science and Politics in the Paradigmatic Transition
, New York, Routledge.
- "Three Metaphors for a New Conception of Law: The Frontier, the Baroque, and the South", Law and Society Review, 29(4), 569-584.
- "Sociedade-providência ou autoritarismo social?", Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 42, 1-4.
- "La transición posmoderna: Derecho y política", in Cristina Motta (Org.), Ética y Conflicto, Bogotá, Ediciones Uniandes.
- Pela mão de Alice: O social e o político na pós-modernidade
, Porto, Afrontamento, (Currently in its 7th edition). Pen Club Prize (Essay) 1994. Brazilian edition by Editora Cortez, São Paulo, 1995 (Currently in its 3rd edition). Colombian edition by Ediciones Uniandes, 1998 and Siglo Del Hombre, 1998.
- "Modernidade, identidade e a cultura de fronteira", Tempo Social, 5 (1-2), 31-52. Also published em Ana Maria Galano et al, Língua Mar, Fundação Nacional de Arte, Brazil, 1997.
- "Etat, rapports salariaux et protection sociale à la semi-peripherie - Cas du Portugal", Peuples Méditerranéens, 66, 23-66.
- "Hacia un entendimiento postmoderno del derecho", Frónesis, 1(2), 163-177.
- (Ed.), Portugal - Um retrato singular, Porto, Afrontamento (2nd edition 1995).
- "Límites y posibilidades de la democracia", Politeia, 13, 78-83.
- "Introdução à sociologia da administração da justiça", in José Geraldo Sousa Junior e Roberto Aguiar (Orgs.), Introdução crítica ao direito do trabalho. Brasília, Universidade de Brasília, 104-125.
- "O social e o político na transição pós-moderna", Lua Nova, 31, 181-208.
- Guest editor of a special issue of Social and Legal Studies, 2, on "State Transformation, Community Justice and Legal Pluralism". Two articles in this anthology: "Law in the World System. An Introduction" and "Law, State and Urban Struggles in Recife".
- "Subjectividade, cidadania e emancipação," Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 32, 135-191. Also published in El Otro Derecho, 5 (3), 7-60.
- "State, Wage Relations and Social Welfare in the Semiperiphery: the case of Portugal", Oficina do CES, 23.
- "A transição paradigmática: da regulação à emancipação", Oficina do CES, 25. Also published in M. M. Carrilho (ed.), Dicionário do pensamento contemporâneo, Lisbon, D. Quixote.
- Estado, derecho y luchas sociales,
Bogotá, ILSA.
- "State and Civil Society in Macao: Social Problems, Public Administration and Community Organizations", Oficina do CES, 27.
- Justiça e comunidade em Macau. Administração e estruturas comunitárias perante os problemas sociais.
Research report presented to the Ministry of Justice, Coimbra, CES.
- "A justiça e a comunidade em Macau: Problemas sociais, a administração pública e a organização comunitária no contexto da transição", Administração (Revista de Administração Pública de Macau), 13-14, 447-476.
- "A justiça e a comunidade em Macau", Revista de Cultura (Instituto Cultural de Macau), 15, 125-143.
- "A crise do paradigma", O Direito achado na rua, Brasília, Editora Universidade de Brasília, 61-74.
- "O Estado e o direito na transição pós-moderna", Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 30, 13-44. Also published in Humanidades, 7(3), 1991, 267-282.
- Estado e Sociedade em Portugal (1974-1988),
Porto, Afrontamento (currently in its 3rd edition), and Sociologia del Diritto, XVII(3), 1990; and Doxa, 6.
- "Onze teses por ocasião de mais uma descoberta de Portugal", Oficina do CES, 21. Also published in Via Latina, 1991; Luso-Brasilian Review; 29(1), 1992, 97-113; and Novos Estudos CEBRAP, 1992.
- "Debates sobre los textos anteriores", in German Palacio (ed.), La irrupcion del para-Estado, Bogotá, CEREC, 291-308.
- "Book review", History of Human Sciences, 3(3), 468-474.
- Introdução a uma ciência pós-moderna,
Porto, Afrontamento (Currently in its 5th edition). Also published in Brazil by Graal, 1989 (2nd edition 1991) and in Venezuela.
- "Os direitos humanos na pós-modernidade", Oficina do CES, 10. Also published in O Estudo da História, 10-11, 1989-90.
- "Da ideia da universidade à universidade de ideias", Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 27/28, 11-62.
- "O Estado e os modos de produção de poder social", Oficina do CES, 7. Also published in A sociologia e a sociedade portuguesa na viragem do século, (Transactions of the First Congress of the Portuguese Sociological Association), Vol. II, Lisbon, Editorial Fragmentos, 1990, 649-666.
- "O Estado, a sociedade e as políticas sociais em Portugal: O caso das políticas de saúde", Alexandrina Sobreira de Moura (ed.), O Estado e as políticas públicas na transição democrática, São Paulo, Vértice, 326-389.
- "Postmodern Transition: Law and Politics", Oficina do CES, 8. Also published in Oñati Proceedings, 1, 1989, 113-123; Austin Sarat and Thomas R. Kearns (eds.), The Fate of Law, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1991, 79-118; Doxa, 6, 1989, 223-263; Revue d'Études Interdisciplinaires, 24, 1990 and Sociologia del Diritto, XVII (3), 1990, 5-34.
- "Room for Manoeuver: Paradox Program or Pandora's Box?", Law and Social Enquiry, 14(1), 149-164; and Oficina do CES, 9.
- "Introdução à sociologia da administração da justiça" in José Eduardo Faria (ed.),
- Direito e justiça, São Paulo, Edições Ática, 39-65.
- "Justiça popular, dualidade de poderes e estratégia socialista" in José Eduardo Faria (ed.), Direito e justiça, São Paulo, Edições Ática, 185-205.
- Discurso e o poder
. Porto Alegre, Sergio Fabris.
- "Uma cartografia simbólica das representações sociais: O caso do direito", Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais 24, 139-172. Also published in French, Droit et Société, 10, 1988, 363-389 and in Spanish, Nueva Sociedad, 116, 1991, 18-38.
- "Sociologia na primeira pessoa: Fazendo pesquisa nas favelas do Rio da Janeiro", Revista da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, 49, Brasília, Editora Brasiliense, 39-79.
- Um discurso sobre as ciências
, Porto, Afrontamento (Currently in its 11th edition). Also published in English, Review, XV(1), 1992.
- "O social e o político na transição pós-moderna", Oficina do CES, 1.